Dear Reader:
We've recently released the new edition of Superstar SmallCaps, our special report discussing stocks that could double in the years to come...
And we want you to be among the first to claim a copy...
So, don't delay! Read on for full details...
Warm regards,
Rahul Goel CEO,
Discover The Profits That Lie Hidden In Unusual and Little Known Small Companies Just one such stock we've mentioned in this letter could DOUBLE your money in the next 3 - 4 years...
And this is just one of the many we wish to reveal to you over the next 1 year
Dear Reader,
Consider the following investment scenario for a moment...
On the 15th of this month, you receive a recommendation from Equitymaster for a literally unknown and unheard of small cap stock.
This stock will never have been talked about in the media, your stock broker won't ever mention it to you, and there's no chance whatsoever that you'll come across it during a conversation with a friend.
But still, largely because it is Equitymaster that's recommending the company, you decide to play it safe and invest a tiny-winy portion of your money in it. You know, just in case.
And then, silently the company continues to grow behind your back.
As you grow older, the company also grows old with you... moving up in value and price -- doubling, tripling, and quadrupling during this period.
Then one day in the not so distant future, when you've probably even forgotten that you own shares of this "once unknown" company, it surfaces as one of the leaders in its industry...
Handing You Returns Of 1,000% or More Effortlessly! Is something like this really possible? Yes, it certainly is! In December 2000, Shriram Transport Finance Co. Ltd. was a little known small cap stock available for just Rs 6.5 a share. Not many people expected it to grow the way it has, and therefore not many bothered to invest in it. But by cashing in on the increased need for commercial transportation and coming up with a business model that set it apart from all its competitors, the company succeeded in growing its business rapidly. As a result, its stock price increased from Rs 6.5 in 2000 to Rs 780.6 currently. And those who invested in Shriram Transport in 2000 ended up making a whopping 11,908% on it by 2010. And this is not a one-off case either. Take a look at the table below...
Change in share prices over the past 10 years Company | Dec-00 | Dec-10 | Change | Era Infra Engg. Ltd. | 0.5 | 215.6 | 40,570% | Aban Offshore Ltd. | 6.0 | 816.0 | 13,545% | Shriram Transport Finance Co. Ltd. | 6.5 | 780.6 | 11,908% | Praj Industries Ltd. | 0.8 | 84.3 | 10,701% | Pantaloon Retail (India) Ltd. | 4.4 | 367.3 | 8,171% | Kalpataru Power Transmission Ltd. | 2.7 | 169.1 | 6,094% | Havells India Ltd. | 9.7 | 396.2 | 3,989% | Motherson Sumi Systems Ltd. | 5.7 | 181.9 | 3,096% | Amtek Auto Ltd. | 21.4 | 138.6 | 548% | Now before we proceed, let me clear two things:
First, none of the above stocks were penny stocks. The stock prices of Dec-2000 have been adjusted to account for bonuses and stock splits over the years, which might make them appear like they were penny stocks.
And second... none of these stocks were Equitymaster's recommendations. I'm merely giving them as examples to show what's possible with small cap stocks in the long run.
Later on in this letter I will actually share with you some small cap stocks that WE recommended, which have made amazing returns such as 247%, 410%, 251% and 248%... in just around 2 years!
But getting back to the original point...
What was the common thing in all these small companies that set up huge profit windfalls for their investors? Though not many people knew, all these companies were already leaders in their own sub-niche or the small area of the industry they operated in. And they were much better prepared than their peers for managing explosive growth in the years to come.
Hence when the demand for their product grew, they were able to provide a much better service than all of their competitors and quickly established themselves as the go-to guy in their niche.
And the rest as they say, is history.
It's true! Most of the companies you saw in the table above are pretty well known in India today. But at one time they were not so well known.
They all started out small, established themselves as the leader in one main area where their expertise lay, and then diversified into other areas.
Imagine how much you would make if you found out all such high-potential small companies early, and invested in them while they're still in their infancy?
Given the uncertain nature of small caps, we cannot and should not expect every small cap stock to be an out-and-out winner.
But we know that small caps are fast movers, and that the movement quickly shows in their stock price.
So assuming you manage to pick 5 'reliable' small cap stocks, even if just 2 out of the 5 manage to endure the market uncertainties and turn multi-baggers, you will be rich!
In fact, one such exciting small company is up for grabs right now...
Make 100% or More in 3-4 Years. . . The small company I'm going to tell you about is everything like we discussed until now.
It operates in a small sub-niche of its industry, and is focused on becoming the best in its area of work.
Here's the full story about it...
Look, it's no secret that India is in dire need of better infrastructure facilities.
From better roads to better ports, airports, housing, irrigation, telecom, power... India has to bump up its game rapidly if it wants to stay head-to-head with competing nations like China and maintain its GDP growth in the long run.
Now, this company isn't directly involved in planning, building or operating any of these projects.
But still, its product is extremely vital in making ALL of these a reality.
Let me tell you how...
You see, whether it's for constructing new power generation plants, or bigger buildings, or world-class airports, or even new vehicles to meet the increased auto demand, what's one thing everybody needs?
Steel! And that's exactly the area this company is involved in. To begin with, I think you'll be pleased to know that despite the global downturn and all, there has been NO decline in the consumption of steel in India during the last three years. As per the provisional data from the Ministry of Steel, consumption of Steel in India during the period April-September of 2010 was 29.82 million tonnes (MT), up from 27.15 MT for the same period in 2009. Plus, in other countries of the world also, the slide in steel demand seems to have stopped now, and the scenario is expected get back to normal sooner than later. So as the demand for steel grows steadily from sectors like infrastructure, autos and construction in India and the world over, its production is also going to increase. According to the 2009-10 Annual Report by the Ministry of Steel, India has emerged as the fifth largest producer of steel in the world now, and is likely to become the largest producer by 2016. And the domestic steel sector is also slated to receive a staggering investment of around US$ 238 billion in the coming years!
This could all augur very well for the company I'm going to tell you about... And for YOU also, because you can now get this company for dirt-cheap compared to its real value, and make double your money in 3-4 years easily... if not more.
Here's more on it...
Make Money While Helping Steel-Makers Cut Costs . . . Maybe you thought for a moment that I going was to tell you about a steel-producing company.
Well, here's the "Second twist in the tale" -- Our company isn't one of those either!
Rather, it's a company that manufactures a component required by furnaces used in making low-cost steel.
See, basically there are two types of furnaces used for producing Steel: a) Blast furnaces b) Electric Arc Furnaces (EAFs) EAFs are more economical and easier to use of the two because they can be started and stopped anytime. And the raw materials required for operating them are also easily available and cheap. Hence EAFs are the more preferred and used of the two these days.
Now what our company does is it supplies a vital component that's absolutely essential for running the Electric Arc Furnace. So like I said, it really can't get any more 'sub-niche' than this!
Why this company makes such a great BUY. . . First off, the demand for this company's product is directly proportional to the demand for Steel.
In addition...
1) This company owns the largest manufacturing unit in the world for the furnace component it produces.
That's right! And it's also currently the 2nd largest producer of this component in India and the 6th largest overall.
The company can currently produce upto 66,000 tonnes of the component per annum. And soon, this capacity will increase to 80,000 tonnes per annum once the expansion is complete.
We believe this will give the company a huge advantage when the demand for steel, and thereby the demand for the component rises in the near future.
2) It is an established player in an industry that has high-entry barriers.
The thing is this company actually requires another raw material for producing the component. And this raw material is produced by very few companies in the world.
In fact, you can count the number of companies producing this raw material on the fingers of your hands!
So procuring the raw material also isn't an easy task... and this is where long-term business relationships come into the picture.
Furthermore, setting up the plant to produce the furnace component itself is a very costly affair, and a new player wouldn't be able to afford it.
3) It also owns its own power plants to generate all the power it needs.
Another big advantage for this company is that it has its own power plants -- two thermal plants and one hydel power plant with a total installed capacity of about 77 MW -- to produce the power it needs for its manufacturing processes.
And for the surplus power that it doesn't use, it sells away as a merchant.
So even this helps contribute to its overall profitability as you don't have to rely entirely on external power to run your company.
4) It has clients not just in India, but overseas also.
In fact, more than 50% of this company's revenues are derived from the foreign markets.
Some of its major international clients include Posco, US Steel, Arcelor Mittal and Nucor. Apart from Indian clients like SAIL and Tata Steel to name a few.
So it's pretty settled in this regard also.
And these are only some of the many plus points of this company.
But how do the numbers stack up? Over the past 10 years, the company's sales have grown at an average annual rate of 11%.
Net profits have grown even better... at a rate of 20%. And the average dividend payout has been at over 25%.
To put this into real numbers, the company has generated average annual sales of US$ 200 million over the last 5 years.
During FY10, its sales stood at US$ 251 million. And we expect this to grow at 8% over the next 4-5 years.
But the biggest reason to grab this stock NOW would have to be its highly attractive valuations!
The stock has been under pressure lately and has fallen 38% from its 52-week high.
You might be wondering why something like this would happen and if something's wrong with the stock? Well, let me assure you this is an industry-wide phenomenon.
You see, of late Indian players producing this component have managed to capture a large market share from the big international players. And the big players in a bid to boost their sales resorted to price cuts.
Since the big players control the market for this component, the Indian players also had no option but to reduce prices which led to a fall in profitability and end realizations...
And subsequently, a fall in the Indian players' stock prices.
But this is actually a good thing for you, because you get a perfectly good stock for dirt-cheap.
The company has been able to maintain an average operating margin of 28% over the last 5 years, which shows it's a pretty safe stock. And things can only get better from here as the demand for steel starts to pick up again.
Full details of this opportunity are given in our new report titled, "Superstar Smallcaps II", which I'm ready to send you absolutely FREE.
However, this isn't the only info contained in that report. . . The report also contains details of two more opportunities that could double your money in 3-4 years.
Here's a brief preview of them:
Opportunity #2:
What is the most important trait you look for in a small-cap company? Fast growth? Good future prospects? Exciting business model? Or past track record?
For most investors, small-caps are all about the first three and least about the last aspect. But the interesting thing is that the 'past' plays a very important role in a small company's 'future'.
In today's fast changing business environment, if a company does not have a good past experience, it faces tough times in warding off the future challenges.
When we get down to identify good small-cap stocks, the past track record plays a very important role. Our search for such a company brought us to this particular opportunity.
Just like the first company we discussed, this company is also involved in the Steel industry... and it is India's LEADING manufacturer of another key input used in the steel manufacturing process.
What's more... the usage of this input is on a rise in India and worldwide, given that manufacturing steel using this input is cost effective, environment friendly, and highly flexible.
In addition, this company also boasts of a very strong past track record. Over the past ten years (FY00-FY10), it has grown its net sales and profits at average annual rates of 15% and 25% respectively. During this period, its average return on invested capital has been around 25%. Debt to equity has averaged just around 0.4 times. Its working capital has also been very comfortable.
Seeing its past and gauging its future, we are quite confident on this company's business and its prospects. The stock is currently available at an attractive valuation of just around 6.4 times our estimated FY13 earnings 1.0 times our estimated FY13 book value per share. Add to this the dividend yield of around 2.2%, and you have a wonderful investment opportunity from a long-term perspective.
We expect the stock to be nearly a 2-bagger over the next 3 to 4 years.
Opportunity #3:
Indians have always been known for their entrepreneurship. And that is the core reason all fast growing sectors have invited high level of competition. As soon as a company spots an opportunity, there are ten others to toe the line. This makes doing business in India a highly challenging proposition.
But how would you react to a company that decided to do things the other way? And that too in as competitive an industry as construction? We are talking about this third opportunity we have identified for you.
What separates this company from its peers is its ability to execute projects in rough and difficult locations. And what could be rougher in the world than the war-torn Afghanistan? Or more difficult in India than Bihar?
The company has a executed a whole host of projects in these regions, and done them successfully! As the chairman told us, its experience has been like gaining a 'Harvard degree' in project execution. And rightly so! Well, while operating in such regions has immense risks, the fruits are sweet as well. Or what would justify the company earning operating margins of 20%+ while its peers operating in India has to contend with just around 10-12% at the max?
The stock's current valuation also raises our interest towards the same. It is currently trading at a P/E of just around 3.2 times our estimated FY13 earnings.
We see the stock too turning a 2-bagger over the next 3-4 years.
The information on all these 3 companies is available in our new report "Superstar Smallcaps - II". And we'll give you the report for FREE.
All we ask in return is that you try our Small Cap recommendation service, Hidden Treasure, WITHOUT RISK for 60 days.
Here's the deal . . . The usual price of Hidden Treasure is Rs 5,000 per year.
But for the next few days only, till 18th March 2011, you can subscribe to Hidden Treasure for Rs 2,950 only.
And you can sign up at this highly discount price and test-drive Hidden Treasure for a full 60 days.
If you don't like it, get in touch with us before the 61st day, and we'll refund the entire fee you paid. That's a promise!
But you must act quickly.
This offer will close at 5 PM, 18th March 2011. After that, you will no longer get the 'Superstar Smallcaps - II' report... and the subscription price of Hidden Treasure will also go back to the usual Rs 5,000.
But first, what is Hidden Treasure?
Grab Reliable, High Potential Small Companies For Ridiculously Low Prices Did you ever find yourself thinking, "I wish I had invested in Pidilite while it was still young?" Or even in Titan for that matter?
These were once-unknown-small companies that have grown rapidly in the last decade to become household names in India today.
But there was no way you could have known that sooner... until now...
Through Hidden Treasure we're providing you opportunities like that today.
The stocks we reveal through Hidden Treasure are companies that are either under-researched or not covered by other stock brokers and research firms.
There's no other authentic source of LONG-TERM recommendations on such companies. And whatever else is available is biased.
I understand that small caps may not comprise a big portion of your portfolio. But that doesn't mean you don't need to think about them at all.
This small part of your portfolio does the KEY job of maximizing your returns...
That's Why You Need To Be EVEN MORE Careful In Choosing Your Small Cap Stocks We launched Hidden Treasure in Feb. 2008 with a view to provide profitable Small Cap recommendations.
But "profitable" doesn't necessarily mean 327% returns in one week.
We have always said and still say that you should look at small caps from the long-term perspective.
The stocks we recommend through Hidden Treasure are strong companies and we recommend them not because we believe they will flourish in a month or two, but over a minimum period of 4 to 5 years.
We reveal reliable small companies through Hidden Treasure as and when they're available at a bargain... which gives you the opportunity to snap them up early and set yourself up for huge gains when these stocks soar.
However, considering the risks that small companies carry, you should realistically not expect each and every recommendation to be an out and out winner.
Plus, whenever the market crashes, small caps are the first to bear the brunt of it. So risk taking IS required to a certain extent when investing in small caps.
I just want to make sure you understand that.
Now Here's What All You Get By Subscribing to Hidden Treasure. . . For starters, on the 15th of every month we will notify you of an exciting small cap opportunity.
The report we send will tell you why we think this stock would be a good buy at that point, and it will also clearly explain the pros and cons of investing in that company.
The important things to note here are... - All our recommendations are supported by thorough research - we list out the reasons to buy and also the investment concerns that we foresee
- We travel far and wide to meet companies before we put out reports on them
- For each stock, we clearly state the target price and also the time horizon for achieving the same
And unlike in the case of our other two services -- StockSelect where we provide 4 recommendations per month, and MidCapSelect where we provide 2 recommendations per month -- through Hidden Treasure you only get 1 recommendation per month because good, reliable small companies are very scarce and it also takes a lot of time and research to find them.
Equitymaster analysts have to go through many more hoops to find the few small cap gems that exist.
And since it's OUR reputation at stake here, we also have to meet with the managements of different companies and organise trips to various cities every month to make sure we're accurate in our predictions.
All this takes time, and therefore just the one report per month.
Plus, you also get: - Quarterly results review of all recommendations
- Performance review every quarter
Here's how four of our small cap recommendations have done:
Performer #1:
One of the biggest reasons for us to recommend this stock was the resilience we thought the company's business model had - to face the economic slowdown.
We believed that this resiliency to slowdown, which was on the basis of the important role it plays in its clients' overall scheme of things, gave the company a significant advantage over the long run.
We also believed that after a near about 70% fall from its all time high levels, the stock presented itself as a very attractive investment proposition to investors (the stock was then trading at just around 3 times its trailing 12-months earnings).
While the company proved our 'resiliency' assumption right in growing its sales and profits by 62% as compared to the previous year and 39% in a bad year like 2008-09 (and then by 30% and 19% respectively in 2009-10), the stock rose by 247% after our recommendation till we recommended a sell on it.
In fact, the stock rose even further after we recommended a SELL on it.
But we believe in getting out when it's still safe and not try to time the markets as that could sometimes have devastating results since these are small cap stocks we are talking about.
Also, while sharp gains like these in such a small time period might make anyone happy, it does not excite us much.
Why? For the simple reason that we see such sharp moves as simply aberrations and not a norm.
You see, in some situations the markets get into action and bump up the stock price sooner than expected. In other cases, a market crash leads to the stock price falling rapidly.
What you need to understand is that while small caps can make you a lot of money in the short term, they can also lose you a lot in a similar timeframe.
Thus the idea is to buy into quality small cap stocks with an aim to hold them for 5 to 10 years. It is in this long timeframe that you really benefit from the growth of small companies that you invest in.
Performer #2:
We had recommended this small-size IT services and solutions company in November 2008.
The company, providing technology solutions to multiple industries like banking, financial services, insurance, telecom, healthcare and retail was doing reasonably well then.
One of the foremost reasons this stock appeared as a golden opportunity to us was that it was then trading at 63% of the company's net current asset value, which provided a big margin of safety for investors.
Another important reason for us to recommend the stock was the strength of its business model to weather the downturn. The company had been plugging the gaps in its offerings through a string of acquisitions, all at fair valuations.
And this stock too has given a 248% return since we recommended it!
And that's not all!
There's another stock that has returned 410% since our recommendation in January 2009...
...and another that has given 251% since our May 2009 recommendation...
Why our research turns out to be accurate more often than not . . . You see, most investors take the return on stock investment to be the key yardstick while deciding whether or not to buy a stock. But legendary investors like Benjamin Graham and Warren Buffett have always maintained that 'evaluation of risks' should be given as much importance as 'estimation of returns'. It is in this direction that our research team has developed the Equitymaster Risk Matrix or ERM which helps quantify the risk attached to a stock. The ERM is an integral part of our stock selection process. Look, we all know that large caps are less risky than midcaps... and these in turn are safer than small caps. However no two large, mid or small cap companies have exactly the same degree of risk. Even if they operate in the same sector, their business dynamics, managements and valuations are different. That's why it is important to evaluate the risk involved in each case separately... because at the end of the day it all comes down to how much price you are willing to pay for how much risk. Coming back to the ERM... The ERM is a matrix designed to evaluate the key risks attached to a business, it financial history and its management. It ranks not just the company but also the sector in which it operates based on its relative risk profile. If you're not convinced that such an evaluation helps in improving returns from stocks, let me give you an example to prove that it indeed does... and did!
How the ERM made and saved our subscribers money. . . When markets were at their nervous best in late 2008 and early 2009, our Buy recommendations on Zylog, eClerx, and KPIT Cummins were backed by our confidence in the low risk profile of these companies as shown by ERM.
As expected, these stocks went on to multiply our subscribers' wealth several times.
And it was THIS risk matrix that helped us identify the best stocks to recommend to our subscribers when several of them were looking attractive.
It did so by acting as one of the tools used for eliminating the bad stocks, so that we recommend only the good stocks to you.
But that's not all...
Again, it is the same ERM that we rely on to quantify the risks we believe subscribers need to be cautioned about while recommending a 'Sell'.
"In 2007, Equitymaster was probably the only research house which will give most of HOLD or SELL recommendations rather than BUY reports and everyone knows what happened after that. I feel to be proud subscriber of equitymaster seeing again that you still are not afraid of giving the right opinion irrespective of market moods. Great Job!!!"
-- Deepak Aggarwal, subscriber since 2007 |
Given the complex operating environment that Indian business are aspiring to be a part of, we believe the ERM can offer immense value to investors seeking to maximize their long term returns by without taking on too much risk.
But I won't lie to you - Sometimes we make mistakes too As in the case of Bartronics...
We had recommended Bartronics Ltd. in September 2009.
The key reason for our belief in the company was a pioneer in the fast growing Automatic Identification and Data Capture industry. The company had grown at a feverish pace in the past and the immense potential in this field meant that the strong growth would continue in the future as well.
However, despite our adequate efforts before recommending the stock, we discovered later of some discrepancies between the company's plans and their actual implementation.
Hence we finally recommended our subscribers to sell the stock in August 2010, at a loss of around 31% from our recommended price.
So what else do you get by subscribing to Hidden Treasure? "How to Plan Your Equity Portfolio": Our Hugely Popular Asset Allocation Guide Now there is a very important thing you need to know while investing in stocks
And that is asset allocation.
Asset allocation is the key to having a well diversified portfolio. It is what protects your investments and ensures their growth irrespective of the changes in the market.
A well diversified portfolio is one where your stocks are properly spread out across different market caps and different sectors.
Our extremely popular asset allocation guide will help you understand the ideal mix of stocks in your portfolio, so that you can minimize your losses and maximize your small cap returns.
And you can get this guide absolutely FREE when you subscribe to Hidden Treasure now.
The Equitymaster Yearbook 2011 (PDF Version): Listen... both you and I know investing in shares is risky.
But what makes it even riskier for a lot of investors is that they almost gamble their money on stocks without doing proper research.
The proven and time-tested method used by many of the smartest investors in the business is to understand the long-term trends...
And that's exactly what the 'Equitymaster Stock Market Yearbook' helps you do.
An extremely popular publication, the Equitymaster Yearbook, is a guide consisting of financial analysis and business profiles of the leading 200 companies in India.
For each of the 200 selected companies, the Yearbook provides a full page of financial and other important data, conveniently tabulated under relevant headings with a host of important ratios.
Recent performance reviews of companies, the sectors they operate in, the business challenges they face, how they compare globally, etc. are all revealed at a glance.
And apart from current data, the Yearbook also provides information on the history of each company and its progress and transformation over time.
Additionally, you also have detailed notes on over 20 sectors, the Indian economy, mutual funds and a lot more.
Simply put, this book offers accurate, unbiased and detailed data on leading companies, sectors and economy all in one place... and currently there's no other resource that offers all this information together.
That's why it's something every profit-minded investor must have.
The Yearbook costs Rs 750 to buy separately. But if you subscribe to Hidden Treasure through this offer, you get the PDF version of this Yearbook absolutely FREE. Portfolio Tracker The Portfolio Tracker is an online utility to help you track all your equity and mutual fund investments in one place!
It's online, and is available to you 24 hrs a day.
Let me tell you some of the amazing things you can do with this tool... - First off, the Portfolio Tracker is always up-to-date with the latest stock prices. So you just have to enter the details of stocks or mutual funds owned by you ONCE... and Portfolio Tracker will show you what your entire portfolio is worth AT THAT MOMENT anytime you log into it
- You can set up your account to send you automatic end-of-week and end-of-month performance updates for all your portfolios. So you don't have to review the performance of your portfolios manually anymore
- You can also set up priced based alerts for the all the stocks that you own (and also the stocks that don't own but only wish to track). You simply set up higher and lower limits for the stocks, and the Portfolio Tracker will alert you whenever the stock goes beyond these limits
- Plus, you can also track your SIPs and get NAV alerts for the mutual fund schemes with Portfolio Tracker now
But wait...
Here's what makes the Portfolio Tracker the indispensable tool that it is. . . The intelligent reports that come along with it.
You see, we at Equitymaster have spent a considerable amount of time trying to understand how the fund managers who invest for the long-term track and review their portfolios.
And it is the relevant learnings from this exercise that we have translated into reports to give our Portfolio Tracker subscribers the edge.
In a nutshell, these reports help you answer questions like - - Should you be buying stocks from the automobile sector or the consumer products sector? Do you have too much of cement stocks in your portfolio?
- Which stocks deserve your maximum attention?
- Is the construction of your portfolio in line with what a smart fund manager would have?
These are all questions you have been asking for a long time, but never got any reliable answers.
But now, the intelligent reports you get along with Portfolio Tracker will also answer such questions for you.
The Portfolio Tracker usually costs Rs 330 for a year. But by subscribing to Hidden Treasure, you get it absolutely FREE.
Free subscription to The Daily Reckoning . . . Are you someone who's interested in monitoring or even investing in the global markets?
Now you can read what knowledgeable investors across the globe read every single day for global market analysis and investment ideas.
Yes, we are delighted to bring you 'The Daily Reckoning', a daily financial e-column by Bill Bonner, Publisher and Editor, and three-time New York Times best-selling author.
The Daily Reckoning is published every day in 3 languages from offices in 6 countries - US, UK, Australia, France, Germany, South Africa.
Now, it's India's turn... and your turn to get it for FREE!
When you subscribe to Hidden Treasure, you automatically get a free subscription to the Daily Reckoning also.
And You Can Get All This At Less Than 60% of the Actual Price A year's subscription to Hidden Treasure usually costs Rs 5,000.
But if you act now, and grab your subscription through this offer, you can get Hidden Treasure for Rs 2,950 only!
Rs 2,950 equates to about Rs 250 per month or Rs 8 per day.
Seriously, this is way less than what you spend on all the phone calls to your broker, the money you pay to watch the noise on your television, and all the newspapers and magazines you buy hoping to find good investment opportunities.
And none of these other things can provide you unbiased and reliable small cap recommendations like Hidden Treasure. With a subscription to Hidden Treasure, you can be rest assured that whenever we come across little known, high potential small companies, we will notify you of them right away.
Here's what two of our subscribers had to say about Hidden Treasure...
"Your Hidden Treasure is a beacon of light in these troubled times. I am happy I took the right choice."
-- P. S. Sathyamurthy, subscriber since 2008 |
"I have invested in large caps and small caps based on your recommendations. I made handsome gains and also had incurred losses during market crash. Moreover I had profited during market bottoms and crashes by judiciously making use of those excellent buying opportunities based on your reviews and recommendations.
Singular main benefit I have gained from your association is that I have lost less money by avoiding fad investments and investing at higher valuations. Further I am gradually learning the benefits and safety of value investment from your reviews, articles and recommendations. So I am quite satisfied with your service and fully confident of achieving my long term gains based on your recommendations."
-- Ramesh Somasundaram, subscriber since 2008 |
But be warned: Hidden Treasure is not for everybody! For instance, if you're nearing retirement or have already retired, I don't recommend putting all of your retirement money into small caps.
Small caps are for those who are ready to take some risk to make big returns.
While you can make a lot of money from small caps, you can also lose a lot of it very quickly.
Just one good small cap stock could be enough to make you very rich. But to find that one small cap stock, you might have to go through a few duds as well.
Therefore every small cap investor needs to understand this and plan his or her small cap investments wisely.
And that's what Hidden Treasure can help you with!
So to summarize, here's all you get by signing up to Hidden Treasure now... - SuperStar SmallCaps-II: Our Special Report on 3 small cap stocks which could double in 3 - 4 years
- 1 Small Cap recommendation per month for a year or 12 recommendations in all
- Quarterly results reviews of these recommendations
- Our Hugely Popular Asset Allocation Guide Free
- Performance review every quarter
- Free Equitymaster StockMarket Yearbook 2011(PDF Version)
- Free access to our "Intelligent" Portfolio Tracker
- Free Subscription to The Daily Reckoning
- Over 40% off on regular price. So you pay just Rs 2,950 instead of Rs. 5,000!
Again, you get all this at ZERO risk . . . Like I already said, you can try Hidden Treasure without risk for a full 60 days.
If it turns out that you don't like it, just let us know before the 61st day and we'll refund the entire fee you paid. No questions asked!
And, we'll also let you keep the Equitymaster Yearbook and the Special report as compliments from Equitymaster for trying Hidden Treasure.
Sounds good?
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Rahul Goel Chief Executive Officer
P.S.: Through this offer you can subscribe to Hidden Treasure for just Rs 2,950 instead of the usual Rs 5,000. I suggest you seize this opportunity with both hands... while it's still open!
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P.P.P.P.S.: If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us at +91-22-61434055 or Write in to us. We will be delighted to assist you!
Subscribe Now! Click Here! | | * Adjusted share prices have been used for Shriram Transport Finance **Returns have been calculated as on 1st January 2011 or the date of sell recommendation, which ever is applicable. Please read the Terms of Use. To Unsubscribe, click here. Equitymaster Agora Research Private Limited 103, Regent Chambers, Above Status Restaurant, Nariman Point, Mumbai - 400 021. India. Telephone: 91-22-6143 4055 |
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