|  The Fed made bonds the most dangerous asset in the world. Responsible investors are advised to... SELL TREASURIES NOW! Government debt has made bonds a one-way ticket to the poor house But this 10% dividend will give you TWICE the INCOME and HALF the RISK | Fellow Investor,
The truth is, the U.S. has been going down this road for years. It's been over a decade since the federal government ran a balanced budget. And that was just barely. Even then, that surplus lasted all of 2 years before professional politicians got back to their deficit spending ways. And now that interest rates are at ZERO, and the Fed still isn't done gutting the dollar by pumping cash into an economy that's bursting with easy money, there are only two things that can happen. I'll warn you now, neither of them are good... In fact, if you're not willing to take simple, yet vitally important, steps to protect your wealth...if you're not ready to admit that "safe" investments are about to get very dangerous...then you might not want to read this next part... The End of Treasury Bonds When Ben Bernanke decided to spend $660 billion to buy Treasury bonds, it was the kiss of death for the bond market. Investors took the cue and started selling. Bond yields have spiked higher -- and the Fed hasn't even started to raise interest rates yet!  | Ian Wyatt, founder of Wyatt Investment Research and Chief Investment Strategist for $100k Portfolio. Join him as he takes $100,000 of his own money and turns it into $1,000,000 using an aggressive approach to conservative investing. Real money, real investments, real wealth. That's Ian Wyatt's $100k Portfolio. | I shudder to think what will happen when interest rates start to rise. Treasury bond prices will be absolutely crushed... Retirees who depend on Treasury bond income could lose 10%-20% of their savings in an instant... That's why the world's biggest bond investor, PIMCO's Bill Gross, has declared the end of the 30-year bond bull market... And it's why investors are advised to SELL TREASURY BONDS NOW! Because once the Fed starts hiking interest rates -- once Treasury Bond prices really start to go downhill -- the losses will be devastating. This is no time for hope that everything will turn out OK. There's no way the Fed can pull a magic rabbit out of his hat. The writing is on the wall, plain to see for those who have the courage to face the inevitable truth. It is time to sell Treasury bonds and bond funds and get your money into assets that will actually provide you and your family with a decent return. If you do nothing else with this letter, then please, sell your Treasury bonds and bond funds before it's too late. And if you need some advice on how to lock in a reliable income stream -- with yields as high as 10.6% -- I can help with that, too... Anti-Treasury Profits for Your Portfolio I launched Ian Wyatt's $100k Portfolio with my own money to show you, step by step, how to become a millionaire and retire in style. Why? Because no one else in the investment world is taking the time to lay out a concrete plan for your success. To put my money where my mouth is I started Ian Wyatt's $100k Portfolio with $100,000 that my wife and I have been stashing away in savings accounts for years. This money is in a special account for the sole purpose of turning it into $1,000,000 in 10 years or less using conservative investments, regular savings, and a strategy that's laser focused. It's real money on the line: MY MONEY! And subscribers to Ian Wyatt's $100k Portfolio get to watch follow my buying and selling in real-time. They follow along for the same gains no matter whether they're starting with more than $100,000 or less than $5,000 or somewhere in between. If you truly want to grow your wealth, then you must be able to invest for the future with conservative investments and regular savings. That's why -- when you join me at Ian Wyatt's $100k Portfolio -- you'll see how I'm preparing for the End of the Treasury Bull market with investments I call "anti-Treasuries." Let's face it: Treasury bonds no longer offer security for your retirement -- and because high debt levels and unemployment will weigh on the U.S. economy for years -- investors are increasingly looking for alternatives for steady growth and investment profits. One place we'll find these is in emerging markets. Emerging market mutual funds have been receiving record high inflows as investors look abroad for U.S.-beating growth. And as you read this I've got one of the best emerging market investments ever right in the portfolio making profits for me and the thousands of subscribers to Ian Wyatt's $100k Portfolio. It's a mutual fund that focuses on foreign bond dividends. And it's paying an amazing 10.8% annual dividend! With a dividend like that, you can bet your retirement investments will do just fine. But I'm recommending "anti-Treasury" investments here in the U.S. like: -----> This conservative communications backbone company currently pays a 5.4% dividend. Throw in the fact that it's as much as 47% undervalued, and you can see why it will trounce Treasuries in the years to come. -----> This top pharmaceutical firm has a forward P/E of just 8, and pays a robust 4.2% dividend. And with $23 billion in cash, it's also a leading candidate to start increasing its dividend payments. And you'll get all the details on how my "anti-Treasury" investments can secure your wealth for retirement...
The Lowest Rate I can offer... You can become a 10-year member in full standing of Ian Wyatt's $100k Portfolio, and get all of my research, all of my buy and sell advisories, all of my profitable stock recommendations, and be alongside me as we turn $100,000 to $1,000,000 -- for the incredibly low price of $295.
You read that right. 10 years for just $295.
That's a full 25% off 10 years of the already discounted 1-year rate of $39.
This way, you can be with me for the entire time we make our fortune investing, and you'll never have to pay another dime.
That's a far cry from what any mutual fund or money-manager will offer. They'll get paid when you join and when you quit, and they'll get paid every time you buy or sell a stock in between. They'll get paid regardless of whether you're seeing profits or not. Some of them will even charge you "inactivity fees" when you do nothing at all!
But with Ian Wyatt's $100k Portfolio I always put your interests before my own. That's why I give you the opportunity to buy a stock before I buy it, and sell before I sell. I'll do everything I can to make sure you get the absolute best performance out of your portfolio. That's a promise you can bank on.
I'll even extend my full, 100% money back guarantee to 6 months after you sign up for Ian Wyatt's $100k Portfolio. How many money managers are willing to give your money back if you're not completely satisfied?
My guess is: not many, if any at all. But that's how confident I am that Ian Wyatt's $100k Portfolio will have an immediate and profound effect on your investment success.
To get you started on your path to millions, when you join Ian Wyatt's $100k Portfolio you'll receive: - Monthly newsletter with market insights and portfolio review. At the beginning of every month I'll send to you an email newsletter with a review of key events affecting our portfolio, updates on our current positions and those I'm considering for the portfolio, and an assessment of our performance and outlook.
- Pre-purchase alerts on every position. I'm confident I can make money for you in this market, and for that reason I'll let you know before I take any action in my real portfolio - giving you the opportunity to make the trade before I do.
- Buy and sell confirmations. Once I've made a trade in my $100k Portfolio, I'll send you an email alert with the details of the trade, including the position, ticker symbol, number of shares, price, and total transaction cost.
- Investment profiles. I'll send you a detailed report on each investment I make--whether it's an exchange traded fund (ETF), a mutual fund or an individual stock. I'll tell you exactly what I'm buying and selling, and more importantly - WHY. This way you can determine if the same action makes sense in YOUR portfolio.
Bonus Report #1: Don't Bet Against America: the "super issue" special report details a few of the core holdings of the $100k Portfolio. These are top quality companies that prosper during good times and bad. And they're trading at a deep discount to fair valuation.
Bonus Report #2: The 10 Year Millionaire: my detailed plan on how I'm taking $100,000 of my own money and turning it into $1,000,000 within 10 years. You'll discover the Seven Secrets to Profitable Investing as the blueprint for taking whatever amount you have to invest and achieving the best possible returns.
Bonus Report #3: Profits from the Government Sponsored Healthcare Boom: whether you were for or against the recent healthcare legislation, big changes are coming. And seasoned investors know this means one thing: profits. My new report will show you where to make money from the healthcare boom in the months and years ahead.
Bonus Report #4: Best Income Investments for a Safe Retirement: whether you're currently retired, a few years out, or decades away, income investments are a must if you want a truly stable stream of cash coming from your investments. These are the investments that should be the bedrock of your portfolio.
Bonus Report #5: Profits from the 5 Winning Mutual Funds You're Financial Advisor Doesn't Know About: This Special Report is designed to ensure that individual investors like you have the information they need to make the best, most profitable retirement investments possible. These funds are core holdings of the $100k Portfolio and are part of the long term strategy to get to $1,000,000.
Join Ian Wyatt's $100k Portfolio and get started with me on a wealth-building mission. Real money, real investments, real wealth. That's Ian Wyatt's $100k Portfolio.
Good Investing, Ian Wyatt Chief Investment Strategist $100k Portfolio
PS: This $39 subscription offer will guarantee that you're a part of the 10-Year Millionaire Program as we take $100,000 and turn it into $1,000,000 together. And you'll lock in my $100k Portfolio service at the lowest rate ever. But it won't last long. I cannot and will not offer membership in the 10-Year Millionaire Program to everyone. Use the link below to get started.
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