And that's why, particularly in these uncertain times, you too should bypass Wall Street managers and advice-givers and take charge of your own nest egg. I've been beating the pants off of Wall Street and, in the future, you can too.
Since I launched my $100k Portfolio, there have been only 3 investments that didn't make money out of the 29 we've made to date.
I mean, right off the bat, I'm telling my readers to get out of domestic bonds. I've found a better safer way to earn higher yields available through a closed-end emerging markets fund.! Plus, you ought to know about a couple of stocks that will pay you 300% more in dividends than your money will earn in a savings account, and why silver (not gold) is the best commodity play now for the next few years.
In fact, right now there are two investments about which I'm particularly bullish:
- Whether you're currently retired, a few years out, or decades away, you need to take advantage of the best income investments. I'll show you how to make a truly stable stream of cash the bedrock of your portfolio.
- If you missed the recent gold rush, if you're looking for the next "hot metal" I'll show you the best way to cash in on the coming silver boom and why this "poor man's gold" will escalate as global economies recover.
I'm Ian Wyatt, I'm founder and chief investment strategist for a group of widely read and respected investment advisory services. Starting 15 years ago, I parleyed a few shares of Exxon-Mobil into a multi-million dollar publishing business. My investment insights now earn millions annually.
This $100k Portfolio is money I'm absolutely counting on! |
Last year, when I first learned I was going to become a father, I set up a special trading account that I call my $100k Portfolio. The idea was to set aside $100,000 and turn it into a million in ten years or less by applying an aggressive approach to conservative investing.
Despite what the talking heads may have you thinking, it's actually a great time to start a fresh investment program because many valuations are down, bargains abound, and if you're selective about into which sectors you put your money (Bonds. . .no! Dividend stocks. . .yes! Silver. . . absolutely!) you should do very well in the next few years as the economic recovery begins to pick up speed.
Why ten years, if college is farther off than that for my new born? Well, because I'm conservative and because I plan to have more children to put through college. But mostly, ten years allows me the luxury of being ultra-conservative with the funds I've set aside for my son Macallister's education.
If you're interested in a more certain path to a million dollars. . . |
I hope you'll join me. And if you don't have $100,000 to start with, that's fine. My controlled-risk, balanced and diversified strategies will work for you whether you start with $50,000. . .$25,000. . . even if you're starting with $10,000 or less.
I crunched the numbers, and I realized that to reach our goal, you and I will have to target an annualized rate of return of 20.5%. No small task! More on exactly how we'll accomplish that in a moment. First, a look at how your money could have grown over the past 2 years had you been investing side-by-side with me. As of January 14, 2011:
- You could have racked up a gain of 32% on a high-yield bond fund.
- You could be sitting now with a 43% gain on my favorite gold play.
- Your investment in an emerging markets fund would be up 60%.
- You could be up 55% on my favorite mining stock.
- Money you put in my favorite fixed income fund would be up 71%.
And you could be 62% richer as I was early to identify the surge in silver prices.
In all, since I launched my $100k Portfolio service in January 2009, 26 of my 29 investments have made money.
Catch Up Now with a FREE Copy of My $97-value Special Report: Top 10 Investments for Outstanding Profits in 2011 |
In just 24 months, the portfolio I'm counting on for my son's education is well on its way to my $1-million goal. But to make our goal of a million dollars on my target schedule of just ten years, we need to outperform the markets, avoid losses and maintain our goal of an annualized rate of return of 20.5%!

How am I going to do that?
I'll tell you exactly how I plan on racking up that 20.5% gain in the coming year in a FREE Special Research Report The 10-Year Millionaire, that explains the low-risk strategy we'll use together to build YOUR million dollars.
And to get you off to the best possible start, I've just completed my newest FREE Special Report titled: Top 10 Investments for Outstanding Profits in 2011! It contains my exhaustive research and thinking behind some totally unexpected investment recommendations that I believe will out-perform the market in the coming year.
This proprietary Research Report has a cover price to other Wall Street Professionals and investment firms of $97 , but I'll be more than happy to see that you receive a complimentary copy FREE in return for you just taking a look at my $100k Portfolio service.
And no, I'm not scheming to pay for my son's education with subscription fees! A year's worth of my new service, $100k Portfolio is only $39! And. . .if you're not instantly convinced that investing along with me is the surest path yet to financial security, just let me know and I'll refund your $39! In fact, read it for 6 months and if you're your unhappy with the service just call my customer service manager, Michelle, and she'll give you a prompt full 100% refund with no hassle.
So you really have nothing to lose!
For more details on who I am, why I'm so certain I'll be able to grow the Portfolio I've set aside for my son by 20.5% annually and exactly how I plan to do that, just click on the link below and I'll be happy to walk you through it.
Let me just say that I did not originally conceive of this as a commercial venture. It began in quiet, late-night hours when I was struck with the admittedly frightening realization of the financial responsibility of impending fatherhood. I vowed to myself and to my then-unborn son that I would put aside $100,000 in a special account (my $100k Portfolio) and make the extra effort and use my most conservative judgment to assure the money grows at the fastest possible rate with the minimum amount of risk!
Believe me, my heart is in this one!
It was my wife Carrie who suggested that, since I was burning the mid-night oil, using my personal time to ferret out these outstanding investments, that I share my conclusions with others who may share similar doubts about the recommendations so freely given by Wall Street pundits, talking heads and financial commentators.
If you've developed a healthy skepticism for Wall Street brokers. . . |
. . .then I invite you to invest side by side with me as I do my absolute best to protect and grow the funds I've set aside for my children.
A full year's service to my $100k Portfolio is just a ridiculous $39 and as a Member of my $100k Portfolio community, you'll always know what I'm about to buy before I buy it. And you'll know before I pull the trigger when I'm about to take profits!
If you should so decide, remember that we are in this together. The investments you make are the same as I am making for my son Macallister. If I make money, you make money. And remember as well that the one thing I absolutely hate most is losing money!
Free Special Investment Report  |
Complete details available today totally without obligation or registration.
Click this link.
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