Get my top five funds - investments your financial advisor isn't telling you about Fellow Investor, As much as 40% of the world's wealth simply disappeared during the financial crisis and ensuing global stock market crash. Ian Wyatt: 5 Funds Your Advisor Isn't Telling Your About  I'm sick and tired of hearing about financial planners who have lost their clients money. These supposed "experts" are good at making their fees, but when it comes to protecting and growing your wealth, some are downright clueless! It's simply not right. But what choice do investors have? Well, now you have a choice... I put up $100,000 of my own money to help individual investors protect and grow their wealth -- no matter which way the economy or stock market heads. The market has changed, investors have lost up to 40% of their savings in under a year, people aren't sure what to make of this market. My $100k Portfolio is a profitable beacon in the investment darkness. Start growing and protecting your wealth with $100k Portfolio today. Click here to get started. | | Poof! Gone, never to come back. 12 years of gains, gone in an instant. It was perhaps the most devastating period of wealth destruction in history. And some investors suffered even worse, losing 40%, 50% even 60% of their wealth. -- money they were counting on for retirement. But the worst part for millions of investors -- they were paying financial "experts" to protect and grow their money. And many of these "expert" advisors acted like deer in the headlights when the stock market started to implode... So let me ask you: Does your financial advisor have you in small cap stocks? Does your 401(k) offer you exposure to corporate bonds? Will your financial advisor show you his portfolio? The fact is, there are few investments that can virtually guarantee you success in the months and years to come. And you can be in these investments cheaply and easily, if you're getting the right advice... The Mutual Fund Industry's Dirty Secret I hear from individual investors all the time. And some of the stories they tell me are downright shocking. Unanswered phone calls, bad advice...I read in horror about financial advisors who outright ignored their clients orders to sell! (I'll bet these same "experts" took care of their own investments pretty darn quick when the stock market was in freefall.) Investors learned a painful -- and expensive -- lesson over the last 24 months. Just because you pay someone to manage your money doesn't make them an expert. Who's Managing Your Money? Most investors don't know it, but that young hotshot who manages your company's 401(k) plan is just a salesman, peddling mutual funds for Prudential or Vanguard or whatever... And because of massive lay-offs in the financial sector, he's probably not the best, or the brightest... Sure, he's passed the industry tests...the SEC says he's qualified to give you advice...but the SEC thought Bernie Madoff was OK, too. The truth is: financial advisors and 401(k) managers were not prepared for a stock market sell-off. And they're not prepared to help you recover your losses either. Investors know this, that's why they pulled $320 billion out of funds last year... I'll SHOW you the Money -- 150% Net Gains Back in December 2008, it was clear that individual investors were in big trouble. Even if 401(k) funds doubled their best annual performance, it would still take you 10 years to make up the losses. Many don't have that kind of time... Investors need a better way. And that's why I launched my $100k Portfolio. I've put up $100,000 of my own money to SHOW investors exactly how to pluck the low hanging fruit in the current market. I'm Ian Wyatt, founder and strategist for a group of investment advisory services. 15 years ago, I took a few shares of Exxon-Mobil and turned it into a personal fortune and a multi-million dollar publishing business. My investment insights lead to $7 million in revenues... Now, I'm stepping up to the challenge, again. That's great news for individual investors like you who are serious about making consistent returns with their investments. Because now you can profit step by step, right along with a proven investment master... I'm opening up my personal investment portfolio and inviting investors - investors just like you - to join me on a wealth-building mission. That's how confident I am that I can turn my $100,000 into $1,000,000 in the next 10 years. (It goes by quicker than you think.) You can start with all the details in my Special Report Profits from the 5 Winning Mutual Funds and ETFs Your Financial Advisor Doesn't Know About. This Special Report contains detailed research on five of my favorite funds that make up part of my $100k Portfolio core holdings.This is the analysis that will drive the profits for my $100k Portfolio in the months and years ahead. I'm putting my own money in these investments. And I'll share Profits from the 5 Winning Mutual Funds and ETFs Your Financial Advisor Doesn't Know About with any investor who's ready to start recovering their wealth. But mutual funds and ETFs aren't the only investments we're using, not by a long shot. We're also in energy stocks, tech stocks, biotech stocks, bond other words we're fully diversified. But unlike the "off the printer" recommendations from so many "advisors" these days, we're selectively and tactically diversified. We're taking an aggressive approach to a traditionally conservative style of investing and we'll help you make ten-fold your money over the next decade, or sooner. Question #1: Will You Make Money if Stocks Head Lower? Investing changed in October 2008. Wall Street essentially killed itself with greed and risk. Financial planners and advisors were like deer in the headlights - they didn't know what to tell their clients. So they just repeated Wall Street's failed mantra, �Just buy and hold.� That's why I'm using $100,000 of my own money and proven profitable strategies. I'll tell you what I'm buying before I buy it. I'll tell you what to sell before I sell it. And we'll enjoy every penny of profit... I know, this may sound unusual. Most stock market �gurus� talk a good game. They'll tell you all day long where to put your money but they never tell you where their money is going. And they won't tell you how to make money when stock prices are falling. But you'll see every move I make - and right now, I'm holding a fund that consistently outperforms the market when stocks are headed lower. During the brutal bear market in 2001 and 2002, when the Dow Jones Industrials fell from 11,500 to 7,500, this fund averaged a phenomenal 14% gain. Last year, when nearly every stock was dropped 40%-50%, this fund lost only 8%. Imagine how you'd feel if you got through the worst market collapse in history with just an 8% loss? You'd be head and shoulders above just about every other investor out there. Unfortunately, not many investors know about this fund. But I'll share it with you... The Stock Market isn't Out of the Woods Yet, Are You Ready? We've all enjoyed the recent rally for stocks. But if you think that rally means the economy is truly recovering and it's all up from here, think again. The International Monetary Fund just released a study that is downright scary for anyone depending on a quick economic recovery... The IMF and its legions of economists have concluded that the world's banks aren't anywhere near done writing off bad debt. In fact, the IMF reports that U.S. banks have another $560 billion in losses to write off! We're not even halfway done. Ands that many stocks will inevitably head lower again. And it might be soon... If you're not prepared with investments that will protect and grow your wealth as stocks sell off, then get ready for more losses. I'm not worried, because I have an investment in $100k Portfolio that will make money no matter which way the stock market goes. That's because it's an actively-managed fund that takes upside and downside positions. And these days, that's like an investment insurance policy. I've included all the details in this exceptional fund that will protect and grow your wealth in a Special Report called Profits from the 5 Winning Mutual Funds and ETFs Your Financial Advisor Doesn't Know About. This Special Report is designed to ensure that individual investors like you have the information they need to make the best, most profitable retirement investments possible. You'll get comprehensive analysis on the top-performing funds your advisor buys for his own portfolio, but isn't telling you about because he won't make a fat commission. What's more, you'll find every investment in Profits from the 5 Winning Mutual Funds and ETFs Your Financial Advisor Doesn't Know About in my $100k Portfolio. That's right, I am putting my own money in these funds. That's my seal of approval. This way you can confidently buy the investments I recommend for $100k Portfolio. Question #2: Are You Lending Money to Corporate America for Profit? If you're ready to take back 2008's losses...if you're serious about getting your retirement savings back on track...if you're dedicated to growing your wealth...then Profits from the 5 Winning Mutual Funds and ETFs Your Financial Advisor Doesn't Know About is your guide. I've already started putting my money to work. I've told you how I'll be making at least 54% as Treasury bond prices fall. I've told you about the fund with the proven ability to grow your wealth no matter which way stock prices go. But now I want to tell you about another investment that savvy investors can't afford to miss... As you know, the U.S. financial system remains frozen. Banks are terrified to lend. That means it's nearly impossible for consumers to get home and auto loans. More importantly, it means that corporations that depend on borrowing can't raise the money they need just to stay in business, let alone grow. Corporate America is stuck between a rock and a hard place. And that's creating a unique opportunity for investors to make solid gains lending their money to America's strongest companies. Right now, you can make 7% lending money to Target (NYSE. Lend money to International Paper (NYSE:IP) for 8%. GE (NYSE:GE) will pay you 6.5% for a loan. Compare that to the 1%-3% your bank pays for "safe" investments like CDs. The Bank of [YOUR NAME HERE] Corporate bond yields are paying extraordinarily high dividends. And investors who focus on buying bonds from America's strongest companies can guarantee themselves a virtually locked-in return. Recently I sent a buy order to $100k Portfolio subscribers for a certain corporate bond fund. This fund currently pays a 9% dividend. Plus, it could have as much as 40% gains coming as the corporate bond market stabilizes. Now, most investment gurus aren't recommending funds like this. There's no sexy story behind corporate bonds. And corporate bond funds won't make you look like a genius. But they will make you money. And right now, making you money is all I'm worried about. If your financial advisor has recommended corporate bonds to you, that's great. You might have one of the good ones. But if your advisor is still preaching "buy and hold" with standard Wall St. investments, then you need to get your hands on Profits from the 5 Winning Mutual Funds and ETFs Your Financial Advisor Doesn't Know About. Then you can join me and my $100k Portfolio subscribers, as we make the investments that we KNOW will return profits... Like corporate bonds. Or the top performing asset class for a recovering economy... Question #3: Do You Own the Top-Performing Recovery Asset Class? Research shows that one asset class routinely outperforms all others after a recession. Legg Mason discovered this assets class averaged 24% gains after the last 9 recessions. During the same period, the S&P 500 gained just 17.6%. Merrill Lynch went one better. Its analysts studied all 18 bear markets since the 1930s. They found that this asset class posted an average gain of 41.4% in the 12 months after the end of the decline. That's 25% better than other asset classes. Has your financial advisor shared this information with you? If so, then you know I'm talking about small cap stocks. If not, then Profits from the 5 Winning Mutual Funds and ETFs Your Financial Advisor Doesn't Know About may be the single most important investment report you ever read... In it, I'll share the top-performing small cap fund that's a cornerstone of my $100k Portfolio with you. Remember, this is where I'm putting my own money... I can virtually guarantee you've never heard of this fund. And that's too bad because it's returned better than 10% a year for the last decade, even after last year's market crash. This is exactly the type of investment individual investors need to make now. Simply tracking the market will not get you where you need to be to retire in style. You've got to outperform the market when it's recovering. And my report, Profits from the 5 Winning Mutual Funds and ETFs Your Financial Advisor Doesn't Know About, can help you achieve your retirement goals. Question #4: Are You Ready to Start Seeing Profits TODAY with $100k Portfolio? I want to be clear - my $100k Portfolio subscribers are already with me on our way to growing to $1,000,000 from $100,000. And since my money is in it, I'm on my way, too. I'd like you to join us. So if you're prepared to make REAL gains in the current market...if you're ready for a strategy that will protect and grow your wealth during ALL of the stock market's movements...join me and you'll be living the life you want, with complete financial independence, in no time flat. Even if you start with just a few hundred dollars in your account, you can start building your fortune with my tried and true wealth-building secrets right away. And once you see how easy it is to grow your wealth, you'll wonder why you haven't been investing this way for years. When you join Ian Wyatt's $100,000 $100k Portfolio you'll receive: - Monthly newsletter with market insights and portfolio review. At the beginning of every month I'll send to you an email newsletter with a review of key events affecting our portfolio, updates on our current positions and those I'm considering for the portfolio, and an assessment of our performance and outlook.
- Pre-purchase alerts on every position. I'm confident I can make money for you in this market, and for that reason I'll let you know before I take any action in my real portfolio - giving you the opportunity to make the trade before I do.
- Buy and sell confirmations. Once I've made a trade in my $100k Portfolio, I'll send you an email alert with the details of the trade, including the position, ticker symbol, number of shares, price, and total transaction cost.
- Investment profiles. I'll send you a detailed report on each investment I make--whether it's an exchange traded fund (ETF), a mutual fund or an individual stock. I'll tell you exactly what I'm buying and selling, and more importantly - WHY. This way you can determine if the same action makes sense in YOUR portfolio.
The bottom line is this: you can take full control of your financial future, outperform every 401(k) account there is, from your own computer or with your financial advisor, with no more than a few minutes of your time a week. What's more, you'll probably save money but cutting your financial planner's fees out of the picture. I can get you started right now, for less than what you spend on coffee each day. In addition, you'll get the Special Reports I've mentioned, PLUS Bonus Reports... -
Bonus Report #1: Don't Bet Against America: the "super issue" special report details a few of the core holdings of the $100k Portfolio. These are top quality companies that prosper during good times and bad. And they're trading at a deep discount to fair valuation. -
Bonus Report #2: The 10 Year Millionaire: my detailed plan on how I'm taking $100,000 of my own money and turning it into $1,000,000 within 10 years. You'll discover the Seven Secrets to Profitable Investing as the blueprint for taking whatever amount you have to invest and achieving the best possible returns. -
Bonus Report #3: Profits from the Government Sponsored Healthcare Boom: whether you were for or against the recent healthcare legislation, big changes are coming. And seasoned investors know this means one thing: profits. My new report will show you where to make money from the healthcare boom in the months and years ahead. -
Bonus Report #4: Best Income Investments for a Safe Retirement: whether you're currently retired, a few years out, or decades away, income investments are a must if you want a truly stable stream of cash coming from your investments. These are the investments that should be the bedrock of your portfolio. -
Bonus Report #5: Profits from the 5 Winning Mutual Funds and ETFs Your Financial Advisor Doesn't Know About: This Special Report is designed to ensure that individual investors like you have the information they need to make the best, most profitable retirement investments possible. These funds are core holdings of the $100k Portfolio and are part of the long term strategy to get to $1,000,000. -
Bonus Report #6: Top 10 Brokers for Individual Investors: individual investors have more choices with whom to invest their money than ever before. The choices can be dizzying. Whether you've yet to choose a broker or just want to check that you're getting the best price and service from your current one, this new report will help you make sure you have the right broker for your unique needs. -
Bonus Report #7: Top 10 Investments for Outstanding Profits in 2011: this just-released special report details my very latest mostly-undiscovered investments and represents a balanced portfolio that will serve you well no matter how the market performs. -
Bonus Report #8: Using ETFs to Grow Your Portfolio and Limit Costs ETFs are a great way for investors to grow their wealth and minimize market risk. -
Bonus Report #9: Get Your Investments Back on Track Now with Ian Wyatt's $100k Portfolio I'll show you exactly what you can expect when you join me on this wealth-building journey. -
Bonus Report #10: Get Paid to Own Stocks with Easy Covered Call Trades This is my "secret weapon." Using a safe and easy covered call strategy we'll be able to generate hundreds, even thousands, of dollars in "free" income every month When you start today you'll immediately receive a Welcome email directing you to all of the special reports and the most recent issues. Those issues will tell you where the profit opportunities are and how we're going to profit from the market. Then, you'll start receiving buy and sell notices on the investments I'm adding to the portfolio. You'll see what I'm buying before I buy it...I'll tell you to take profits before I do...we'll share every penny of profits. PLUS -- You'll get ALL 10 Special Reports for FREE. You can take control of your financial future starting today and grow your wealth. Normally this would cost $495 a year, and even then it's a huge discount compared to just a few consultations with a financial advisor. But you won't pay anything near this. For today only, you can start a 1-year subscription for only $39. That's not a typo...just $39 gets the new reports, current and back issues, and entire yearlong subscription to $100k Portfolio as we work to turn you into a millionaire. If you like $100k Portfolio then continue on for $39 a year. That's it. And here's the best part: You have a full 6 MONTHS to evaluate whether you think the service is fulfilling its promise to you or get a 100% refund. That's right, you can read all of the and keep all of the special reports...follow all of the buy and sell all of the urgent action updates and still come back and tell me on the last day of your 6-month trial that you don't like it and you want your money back. And I'll cheerfully refund 100% of it. That's my 100% satisfaction guarantee. This is truly a great opportunity for to get your investments back on track and start growing your wealth. That means you can start your wealth with a proven investment leader. I hope you'll join me, Ian Wyatt, today. Click below to get started. Sign up today and receive: Profits from the 5 Winning Mutual Funds and ETFs Your Financial Advisor Doesn't Know About + 9 More Bonus Special Reports + 6 Month 100% Money-Back Guarantee Click here to start right now | Best Regards, Ian Wyatt Chief Investment Strategist Ian Wyatt's $100k Portfolio P.S.-For less dinner for two at your local restaurant you can get my new special report with 5 top mutual funds and ETFs plus a year of $100k Portfolio and get your portfolio growing now. Use the Sign Up button below to get started. |
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