Dear Investor,
As you know, the motivation for what we do here is to show you how to "Become a Worry Free Millionaire in 3-Years or Less" by generating extra income in the shortest amounts of time.
Well today in keeping with our promise and commitment to you, we're going to tell you about a powerful trading strategy that lets you to buy into, and control blue chip stocks for mere pennies on the dollar. Placing you on a fast track to greater wealth and security - and doing it better and faster than anything you could ever imagine. But before we unveil this highly classified information, take special note of this.
We estimate only about 2% of investors are aware of the incredible profits that awaits them, once they tap into the strategies and tactics you're about to discover.
With this in mind, once you are granted access to this priceless inside trading strategy, you will have the opportunity to join an elite association of investors who are consistently and quietly - and without a lot of fanfare - generating cash returns the likes of which we estimate only two out of every 100 investors know anything about.
The good news is, once you learn how to use this knowledge, you'll begin to produce buckets full of cash, day after day, week after week and month after month - or as the high rollers say: "End over end!"
True or false - Time is money?
Well, of course it’s true. But it’s also misleading. Actually, time is far more valuable than money because you can always earn more money, but you can never get time back, once it passes you by.
The truth is we all have just 24 hours in each day.
It’s how you use that time that makes all the difference.
With that in mind, we’re going to show you a simple strategy that turns small amounts of cash into big profits in less time than it takes for you to shower in the morning...And you can do it quickly in mere minutes!
There are just three steps to follow and they are as easy as 1...2...3...
Click to learn more...
Here’s all you do:
1. Open the e-mail newsletter we send you and read our simple investment instructions.
2. Go to your online brokerage account and follow those instructions.
3. Shut down your computer and enjoy the rest of your day.
Averaged required time to complete above tasks? 3- Minutes!
Can It Really Be That Easy?
In a word, yes. Once you place your instructions, there is nothing more for you to do. And unless you get an e-mail alert advising you to sell earlier than originally instructed in your newsletter, or a mid-week alert telling you about a hot new opportunity you can immediately cash in on – simply sit back and wait for your profits to roll in.
Usually, a few days or a week or two later!
Click here to start today...
Is It Really That Profitable?
Absolutely and here's Proof! Take a look at the actual profits generated by subscribers: - Subscribers were told to buy contracts on a Japanese technology company for $280. Ten days later, they were told to sell them for $521. That’s a $240 — or 85 percent — gain!
- Subscribers bought contracts on a Short Term Futures for $440. Thirty- five days later, they sold them for $620. That’s a $180 — or 40 percent — gain!
- Subscribers bought contracts on a Gold & Silver company for $200. 14 days later, the contacts automatically sold for $500. That’s a $300 — or 150 percent — gain!
- Subscribers jumped into contracts on a Las Vegas stock for $320. Three weeks later, they sold them for $510. That’s a $190 — or 55% percent — gain in 21 days!
- Subscribers bought contracts on an International Courier company for $190. Six weeks later, they automatically sold them for $380. That’s a $190 — or 100 percent — gain!
- Subscribers bought contracts on an emerging Gold market for $300. Thirty days later, they automatically sold them for $780. That’s a $480 — or 160 percent — gain!
How Is This Possible?
Here’s how it works. Instead of buying the underlying stock, you’re buying an options contract. That’s really all there is to it. Investing through options gives you more bang for your buck. And, amazingly, it also limits your downside.
Click here for "The Fastest Way to Make Money in 3-Minutes Flat".
All the Hard Work is Done for You!
For many investors, just hearing the word “options” conjures up visions of sophisticated software programs and carpal tunnel syndrome. Not to mention having to learn a whole new language (“strike price,” “in the money,” “out of the money,” etc., etc.).
Subsequently the prospect of double and triple-digit profits is obviously attractive. But a lot of investors figure this is a strategy they just don’t have the time to master.
You know what? They’re absolutely right.
It does takes years to develop the trading acumen necessary to deliver the double and triple digit returns the Phoenix Options Letter targets.
But the good news is... This is exactly what our panel of illustrious and expert Wall Street options gurus’ do day in and day out on behalf of subscribers.
They do all the hard work for you, helping a select group of investors just like you generate handsome returns over and over again.
It’s the closest an average Joe can get to having your own personal inside advisor without having to shell out thousands of dollars in consulting fees!
In fact these noted experts have a combined total of over 100-years of ultra successful options trading experience. They want you to know that...
...Size Does Matter and here’s why:
Smaller moves are the order of the day. But small moves can translate into big gains with options.
For example, in a trade made a few weeks ago, our panel recommended call options on EMC metals. The stock went down by 30 percent. While at the same time the options increased by 81 percent. And you didn’t need big bucks to get this return. One contract cost just $80 and 28 days later was worth $145.
Why Get in Now?
Our panel also tells us that prices for options couldn’t be better. In fact it’s better now than just a few months ago and much better than a year ago. When it comes to stocks and options, the name of the game is to buy low and sell high.
From what we see these low prices are going to last at least until the end of the year. Our insiders tell us that the market “is setting up perfectly for the kind of investing we do.”
Time equals Profits... So Don’t Delay!
It’s not uncommon for some options to go up 500 percent or more during earnings season.
Our panel has identified several super hot candidates that are capable of these kinds of three-digit gains. And we’re planning on putting out a recommendation on them very, very soon — right before they report on their earnings.
If it goes the way we expect, these options could surge overnight.
The Phoenix Options Letter is the only investment advisory I’m aware of that can produce these types of returns for investors like you who like making big money without spending big-money.
If you’re interested in this simple big-profit, cash boosting strategy, click here and get immediate access to our exclusive report “The Fastest Way to Make Money in 3-Minutes Flat”.
To Your Prosperity!

Scott Neptune & the Phoenix Advisory Panel
P.S. Just like it has to so many others - "The Fastest Way to Make Money in 3-Minutes Flat"shows you how to apply a simple and exciting strategy that allows you to build genuine, inflation -proof wealth not in months or years - but days! Remember - making money is the result of having solid, reliable information!
P.S.S. In the final conclusion this no-cost report is explosive inside information which will excite you like nothing we've been privileged to give you before. The instant you realize, that you have indeed unlocked an extraordinary opportunity to earn extra income using far less money, and far less time will also be the moment you will not be able to contain your excitement. We guarantee it!
Click here for "The Fastest Way to Make Money in 3-Minutes Flat".
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