Not getting the investment results you want? Well... It's Tough to Lose When 90% of Your Stocks GO UP! 32 of My Last 37 Stocks Would have MADE YOU MONEY! Isn't it time YOU took profits on 9 out of every 10 investments? Fellow Investor, The numbers are no mistake. 32 of my last 37 stock recommendations would have made you money. And that nearly 90% win rate spans 2 years of one of the most difficult stock markets in history. In a minute, I'll show you every single stock I've recommended. I'll show you entry dates, prices, exit dates, and profits -- everything. You'll see exactly how I've uncovered the market's top winning stocks -- stocks that have returned 12.5% average gains. . .every 90 days. . .for 2 years running. . . The truth is there are stocks out there that are benefiting from the economic environment and rewarding their shareholders with solid profits. I can't tell you they're easy to find. But I will tell you that I am finding them. . . My advisory service, Top Stock Insights, 32 of my last 37 recommendations were winners. Thousands of subscribers have had the opportunity to nail down 12.5% every 90 days. . . And you can start making gains just like these for less than $1 a day, for as long as you like. Now, don't get me wrong. These life-changing gains haven't come easy. This has been one of the toughest stretches for investors in decades. But that doesn't mean investing, and making solid profits in the stock market, should make you want to pull your hair out. 90% Win Rate...and Counting! | 32 out of 37 Winners! The numbers don't lie: Top Stock Insights is an elite investment advisory services. Add the winners, subtract the losers and you get 374% in net cumulative gains. Check the win percent and you get a 90% win rate. Average gains are 12.5%. Average hold time is 90 days. Which means you could grow your wealth 12.5% gains every 3 months. No dividend stock on the planet can do that for you... I'll even show you the track record, so you can see firsthand the kind of gains you can make with Top Stock Insights... Current Positions | Total Return | Top Stock #1 | +20.77% | Top Stock #2 | +9.38% | Top Stock #3 | +35.37% | Top Stock #4 | -0.06% | Top Stock #5 | +29.12% | Top Stock #6 | +8.11% | Top Stock #7 | +19.37% | Top Stock #8 | +33.50% | Top Stock #9 | +20.81% | Top Stock #10 | +5.98% | Top Stock #11 | +12.08% | Top Stock #12 | +22.29% | Top Stock #13 | +5.22% | Top Stock #14 | +12.95% | Top Stock #15 | +4.86% | | | | | Closed Positions | Total Return | TSL | +34.86% | VQ | +1.58% | JAG | -22.86% | VZ | +25.24% | LOPE | -22.40% | TEVA | +17.48% | CSIQ | -8.01% | CHK | -7.13% | TGP | +25.24% | HLF | +15.11% | PWR | -10.00% | FCN | -6.02% | CELG | +32.77% | That's every gain we've made, and every loss we've taken. As you can plainly see, the stocks in the Top Stock Insights portfolio are top-notch. So the gains on the open positions are probably even better than what you're seeing. That's because the best stocks, the stocks I recommend to Top Stock Insights subscribers usually keep moving higher in price... Right now, I'm ready to give you a FREE test drive of Top Stock Insights for 30 days. Click here to learn how you can make all the gains with a 30 day FREE trial to Top Stock Insights. Click here for a steady stream of winners. | Well, I think we'd all agree that 2010 was tougher. But last year, I recommended 15 stocks. 13 made money, like 35%, 33%, 29% and 22%. And this year, 2011, hose gains will be even higher. That's because these quality companies are growing profits at a solid, sustainable rate. . . My track record is no accident. It's not good luck. It's a matter finding the exact right stock to take advantage of what's happening in the global economy. That's exactly what I've been doing for my Top Stock Insights investment advisory subscribers. And it's what I'll do for you. . . 34.83% PROFIT from the European Debt Crisis I'm going to make it as easy as I can for you to steadily grow your wealth with Top Stock Insights. But first I want to ask you a question: What did you do when the European Union agreed to bail Greece out of debt crisis? Of course, we all breathed a huge sigh relief...but what did you do to profit from that bailout? I told my subscribers to buy solar stocks. Why? Because solar energy companies do 90% of their business in Europe. And they get paid in Euros. So when the euro is weak, solar companies don't make as much money, because they have to convert a weak currency into a stronger one. But when the euro strengthens, like it did after the European Union announced the bailout, it has a huge effect on solar companies' profits...  | Top Stock Insights readers are up 34% as the euro rallies. | As you can see from this chart, solar stocks like Trina Solar (NYSE:TSL) started running soon after the European Union agreed to bail out Greece. Top Stock Insights subscribers are up 34% on Trina Solar so far... Why am I telling you this? Sure, I want you to see the profits you could make with Top Stock Insights. But I also want to show you that profiting in the stock market is all about relationships... There's ALWAYS a Bull Market Somewhere Now, when I say that profiting in the stock market is all about relationships, I don't mean that you need to have a bunch of insiders and hedge fund managers for friends. Of course, that couldn't hurt. But my point is simply that there are specific reasons why stocks move higher in price. . . If you knew that solar companies' profits rise when the value of the euro rises, then buying solar stocks when the euro started to rally would mean easy profits, like the 34% Top Stock Insights subscribers made from Trina Solar in just 3 months. Financial markets are like a jigsaw puzzle. Each piece has to fit perfectly with all the other pieces. But if you're missing some pieces, you'll never get the full picture. And that, more than anything else, is why investors lose money in the stock market. For instance, most investors understand that oil prices rise when the U.S. dollar falls. But oil prices are now more influenced by demand from emerging markets like China. That's why oil prices are strong while U.S. demand is weak. At Top Stock Insights, I connect the dots, fill in the blanks and give you the complete investment picture. That way, you have the tools and the confidence to successfully grow your wealth in the stock market. I'm Ian Wyatt, investment strategist for Top Stock Insights. For the last decade, I've been helping individual investors like you make market-beating profits with my winning recommendations. Like the 51% gain from Cameron International, 47% on NetApp, 34% on Mindray Medical, and 35% on Gafisa. 32 of my last 37 Top Stock Insights recommendations could have made you money. But don't worry, there are still plenty of stocks that will grow your portfolio in the months and years to come. After all, there's always a bull market somewhere. And here's one of the strongest trends that you can safely profit from right now... 157% Gains from Tech Stocks and More to Come It was the "secret" economic recovery that started in the Summer of 2009. Tech stocks had pristine balance sheets, piles of cash, and absurdly low valuations. More importantly, tech companies always get the first wave of spending after a recession. That's because corporations loosen their IT budgets and start spending to boost productivity from their depleted workforce before even considering new hiring. Of course, recession-weary investors didn't care. And they're still skeptical today. That's fine by me... I recommended IBM (NYSE:IBM) in August of 2009 at $116.80 a share. IBM is on the cutting edge of productivity enhancing solutions for businesses. It's growing earnings at a remarkable rate. The stock currently trades around $141 a share. Top Stock Insights subscribers are up 21% and there's more on the way. Top Stock Insights subscribers bought another productivity enhancing stock, NetApp (NYSE:NTAP), at $19.72. Just 4 months later, we booked a 47% profit. Of course, you and I both know that investors don't make money by looking in the rear-view mirror... However, if you're ready to look forward, if you want to get a glimpse of where stock prices will be a year from now, and if you'd like to make market-beating profits in the next 12 months, the signs are crystal clear: - Companies on the S&P 500 have a record $2.4 trillion in cash
- Hiring plans at corporations are at a 3-year high
- Manufacturers are seeing strong demand
- Inflation is non-existent
- Household income is rising at a 5.4% annual rate
- The savings rate is rising at a 4.4% rate
- Exports have risen 17%
- Corporate earnings are near all-time highs
- Banks are relaxing lending standards
There's simply no way around it: U.S. corporations are healthier than they've been in years. Cost-cutting and layoffs have made them lean and mean. Profits are high, demand is strong. That's why I'm still recommending tech stocks. And when you join Top Stock Insights, the first thing you'll want to do is check out the Special Report The Secret Economic Recovery: 3 Tech Stocks Leading the Way. . . The Tech Bull Market of 2011 84% of tech companies reporting Third Quarter earnings have beaten revenue expectations. That's well above the historical average of 62%. And it's why I say the Tech Bull Market is "secret."  | Top Stock Insights made 157% total profits by investing in the strongest sectors. --Table from Bespoke Investment Group. |  I recently uncovered a tech turnaround that could easily put 51% gains in your pocket. This company used to be a household name. In fact, their products were so successful that the company name is now listed as a verb in an Webster's dictionary. But the Internet and digital economy crushed this company's business. The stock price fell from a high of $62 in its heyday to below $5 a share. Then in 2009, the company hired a new CEO who put the company on a new path that embraced the digital economy. Now, revenues are flying high again. Earnings are up 62% year over year. And the stock price is breaking out right now. The stock price is still below $10--meaning you really load up on shares--but it won't be for long. And that's just one of the stocks you'll discover in The Secret Economic Recovery: 3 Tech Stocks Leading the Way. Consider: - Netflix isn't the only company that's making a lot of money with a low-cost video rental service. Though the $162 a share price for Netflix stock might you think it had no competition. And price-to-earnings ratio of 66 might make it seem like there's no limit to the profits from Netflix's subscriber business. But make no mistake, Netflix does have competition. And the competition has fewer employees, no subscription fees, $1 rentals, more customers and a stock price that's 66% cheaper than Netflix.
Find it on page 13... - Consultant firm Gartner estimates that 54 million tablets, like Apple's iPad 2, will be sold in 2011. That's up from 15 million in 2010. In fact, Gartner says sales of tablets will be so strong that it will "dramatically" reduce sales of laptop computers for 2011 and 2012. Apple's iPad is driving a whole new cycle of semiconductors, data networks and subscription pricing. And here's one one semiconductor stock with a P/E of 5 that could easily rise 51% on tablet sales. Details are revealed starting on page 5...
- This company used to be a household name. But most investors don't know it reinvented itself and business is booming! It's raising earnings estimates, and yet the forward P/E is an incredibly low 8. If you only buy one stock this year, it should be this one. A double in price is coming soon.
Pore through the proprietary research on page 10... These are among the very few stocks virtually guaranteed to make you money. So don't wait too long to get the details in my latest Special Report The Secret Economic Recovery: 3 Tech Stocks Leading the Way. Because there's nothing worse than missing out on a near-certain profit opportunity... Consistent, Reliable Profits with Top Stock Insights When you can make money on 9 out of every 10 investments, well, I probably don't have to tell you that you're on your way to financial independence. Top Stock Insights has been doing it for three years running. I'll gladly put my track record of winning investments up against any in the business. Because you and I both know that a 90% win rate, with 12.5% average gains, is as good as it gets.  | Ian Wyatt, Chief Investment Strategist for Top Stock Insights, has lead subscribers to a 90% win rate in 2009 and 2010. | Almost two years ago (fall 2007), my readers and I were heading into one of the most uncertain times in stock market history. Even before the ultimate lows were reached, my readers were making money. 25% and 10% in February 2009 and another 11% profit in March, when panic gripped investors. And as the market started to rally, the gains came fast and furious -- 63%, 51%, 47%, 38%, 37%, 35%, 34%, 32%, 26%... And now, Top Stock Insights has a track record that stands up against top hedge fund managers, investment banks and investment gurus. You simply won't find that high level of performance in most advisory services. Top Stock Insights is truly a world-beater. It's going to be much more challenging to find market-beating profits in the months ahead, especially for investors who don't know which stocks will make them money. But Top Stock Insights has been leading investors to market-beating gains even in the current difficult market. You'll Get the Profitable Answers for the Toughest Questions with Top Stock Insights My Top Stock Insights subscribers are used to the reliable profits that result from my insightful analysis. Here's just a sample of the trends we identified and the gains we made in 2009: - The government's stimulus plan sparked inflation fears. Top Stock Insights made 25% on Yamana Gold (NYSE:AUY) in two months. . .
- The weak U.S. dollar meant oil prices had to rise. Subscribers to Top Stock Insights made 52% on Cameron International (NYSE:CAM) in 4 months. . .
- The dollar also affects commodity prices. Top Stock Insights nailed down 26% on Sterlite Industries (NYSE:SLT) in just three weeks. . .
- The Treasury's toxic asset plan brought Top Stock Insights readers a total of 33% profits in under 2 months...
"I subscribed to Top Stock Insights last year and it has been the best thing I've done since the market went bad. I've recommended your service to all my friends. All I can say is "Thank you". -- Paul | But now, it's finally time to invest for a real economic recovery in the U.S. this year. - Our sneaky play on gold prices, pawn shop EZ Corp (Nasdaq:EZPW) shot up 14% in 2 months...
- We recommended a solar stock at its lows for the year. Top Stock Insights readers are up 13% in less than a month...
- And then there's the tech stocks you'll find in The Secret Economic Recovery: 3 Tech Stocks Leading the Way. Ultra-low valuations and outstanding earnings growth mean 33% to 108% gains are coming...
We're already getting positioned for market-beating profits from the world's top-performing tech stocks. And you can expect gains of 33% to 108% for your portfolio. 33% to 108% Gains: Get the Investment Results You Want with Top Stock Insights Yes, Top Stock Insights readers made market-beating profits all year in 2010, even though the S&P 500 didn't post a gain until the final few weeks. But then, Top Stock Insights subscribers expect to outperform the market. It's not luck or magic. Rock-solid analysis and thorough research tend to lead to consistent and reliable profits. So, if you're not getting the results you'd like to see out of your investments, I've got the answer: Top Stock Insights. You're not going to want to miss the gains we're lining up:  - 108% from online video games
- 20% gains for our stop solar stock
- New highs for our favorite oil stock
- 42% gains from this emerging market homebuilder
PLUS -- you'll know what to expect from interest rates, inflation, the U.S. dollar, and unemployment AND the weekly issue of Top Stock Insights will keep you one step ahead of the trends that affect your wealth. Clearly, Top Stock Insights is proving our vision with solid gains in top-performing sectors. And it all starts with a subscription to Top Stock Insights and my must-have Special Reports, like The Secret Economic Recovery: 3 Tech Stocks Leading the Way. And that's STILL Not All You Get with Top Stock Insights Right now, select companies are paying historically high dividends. It's now possible to set up a permanent income stream of 5%, 6% even 8% a year, just by owning the best dividend-paying stocks. If you take the right steps, you'll be cashing 6% dividend checks AND watching your principal increase by as much as 32%...or more! Like this income stock that should make us 32% and pays a 9% dividend. It's just one of the stocks featured in my latest Special Report. It's called The Top 3 Income Stocks to Secure Your Portfolio. It's BONUS Special Report #1. And it features three of the stock market's top dividend stocks. Because these days, a steady income stream is a critical and easy way ensure your investment success. And with The Top 3 Income Stocks to Secure Your Portfolio, you'll discover three of the stock market's top dividend stocks. These stocks will pay you steady income every three months. But they also offer significant upside because they making the current economic environment work for them... - Economic growth in emerging markets has proven to be immune to the weakness in the U.S. Here's one of the best -- and safest -- ways to profit from Brazil's 7.2% GDP growth. This utility just beat earnings expectations by 33%. Throw in the 6.3% dividend and it will keep you in the profit zone for years to come. Details on page 4...
- Or this financial company that's doing what most banks won't: lending to small businesses with strong growth. Earnings are rising 31% a year. And the stock has an ultra-low P/E of 3.5. 50% gains for the stock price are likely. And it pays a whopping 9.6% dividend! Turn to page 9...
- You can buy this railroad stock at a huge discount. A $40 stock three years ago before the financial crisis, it currently trades at a bargain around $17 a share. It's cheaper than its book value which makes it a buyout candidate. And it pays 2.9% a year. See page 6...
Normally, my Special Reports like The Secret Economic Recovery: 3 Tech Stocks Leading the Way and The Top 3 Income Stocks to Secure Your Portfolio are available only to paid subscribers. Top Stock Insights readers gladly pay top dollar for my insight and profitable recommendations on large cap growth stocks. And they get my Special Reports as a bonus. I understand that it's not fair to require investors to join Top Stock Insights just to get their hands on the sensitive information you'll discover in Special Reports like The Secret Economic Recovery: 3 Tech Stocks Leading the Way and The Top 3 Income Stocks to Secure Your Portfolio. After all, my readers pay up to $199 a year go get my insight and wealth-building investment recommendations. So I came up with an new, easy way to get the wealth-building details - the information that can help you achieve your retirement dreams - to as many investors as possible. For the next 3 days, you can get The Secret Economic Recovery: 3 Tech Stocks Leading the Way for just $29.95. And as an added bonus, you'll receive three months - that's 13 weekly issues - of Top Stock Insights for no charge. Zero, Zilch, Nada. You'll have complete access to the entire portfolio of Top Stock Insights stock recommendations. You'll get all the profit potential from our upcoming top quality recommendations. Plus, you'll have ALL of Top Stock Insights Special Reports. But best of all, you'll have your copy of The Secret Economic Recovery: 3 Tech Stocks Leading the Way and The Top 3 Income Stocks to Secure Your Portfolio. Not bad for $29.95. But again, it's very important to me to get this information out there, in the hands of the investors who need it most.
Now I'd give you a little taste of the profit potential you'll find inside Top Stock Insights blockbuster Special Reports. BONUS Special Report #2: The Warren Buffett Retirement Plan
Over the past five decades literally thousands of hardworking everyday Americans have become Buffett Millionaires. They're making money through stable and consistent stocks. The Warren Buffett Retirement Plan uses a simple yet effective strategy I implement to find the companies most likely to make steady, reliable gains. I've carefully selected these companies with the greatest potential for profit using the exacting methods employed by the greatest investor of our time. I can't always predict what companies he will pick, but in the beginning of 2010, I got on board with a company that's now Warren Buffett's 8th largest holding.
BONUS Special Report #3: Emerging Markets 2011: 3 Profitmakers from Brazil, India and China You'll be introduced to 3 reliable profit opportunities from 3 of the world's strongest economies. You'll discover: - The Brazilian construction company set to move 52% higher
- The Indian mining company with 56% upside coming
- A China-based transport firm paying a nice dividend and set for potentially massive share price gains
The days when "Indiana Jones" investors were the only ones with the stones to buy emerging market stocks are long gone. Today, the real opportunity of countries like Brazil are well known to America's biggest investors. And you'll find these stocks in the portfolios of companies like Goldman Sachs, Fidelity and Morgan Stanley. In fact, these investment heavyweights own over 75,129,000 shares of the undervalued companies you'll discover in Emerging Markets 2011: 3 Profitmakers from Brazil, India and China. They know opportunity when they see it. And even more importantly, they know that these stocks are no more risky than buying Wal-Mart or Microsoft. No more risk, but far more profit opportunity. In fact, the 3 stocks in my Special Report have a total of 208% upside coming for investors who buy their stock now. And that's because most investors still don't see the wealth-building opportunity until it's too late. You'll get the details on these stocks when you try Top Stock Insights and get your copy of Emerging Markets 2011: 3 Profitmakers from Brazil, India and China. BONUS Special Report #4: Gold Rush 2011: 3 Gold Stocks for Gold Over $1,500 In my new research report, Gold Rush 2011: 3 Gold Stocks for Gold Over $1,500, I've targeted three top gold mining companies that give you the best opportunity for profiting from the gold bull market. - Gold Rush Stock #1: this top-tier miner has 140 million ounces of gold reserves. And it's mining that gold for around $350 an ounce. That means it's banking $1,000 in pure profit for every ounce it sells. Amazingly, this company is as much as 50% undervalued right now! Buy this low-cost gold producer now for 33% to 50% gains.
- Gold Rush Stock #2: an Idaho-based silver miner with production expectations between 10 and 11 million ounces with production costs less than $1.50 per ounce (versus current silver prices over $20.
- Gold Rush Stock #3: a Canada-based miner that's a prime take-over candidate from the larger South Africa based firms because of its existing presence in Canada, Africa, and South America.
Whether gold launches to $1,500 this year as many experts now believe or goes back to $1,000 you'll still make money off these stocks. With either scenario, you win! BONUS Special Report #5: 5 U.S. Stocks for the Next 4 Years
The global economic meltdown started in the U.S. and the recovery will begin in the U.S. as well.
I've found 5 blue chip U.S. stocks that have the right fundamentals to survive the current downturn and come out the other side on their way to prosperity.
These five companies give you good exposure to a number of key industries in growth sectors that will reward investors for years to come.
BONUS Special Report #6: The Secret Strategies of 5 Legendary Investors If you want to be a more successful investor, why not learn from the masters? In this Special Report, we break down the strategies of some of history's legendary investors into simple, easy to use guidelines that you can use immediately to boost your profits. From Warren Buffett, to Benjamin Graham, to Peter Lynch you'll learn exactly how these legendary investors built their fortunes. Master these easy to understand investment strategies and you'll invest with confidence in any market condition. BONUS Special Report #7: 3 Green Energy Stocks for Profits in 2011 Green Energy stocks are starting to come into their own as real investment options for individual investors. Gone are the days when a green energy company was not much more than a whiz kid with the next big idea and the sheer will to get listed as an OTC stock. The three companies in this new report are the leaders in their sectors and present individual investors with some of the best opportunities for modest gains now and potentially huge gains going into 2011. Two of these firms are based in China, but this shouldn't scare you from jumping in. China is already overtaking the U.S. and much of Europe as a leading consumer of green energy technologies. The other firm is based in Nebraska and is the fourth largest ethanol provider in North America. While the last two years saw a major shake-out in the industry, this firm has thrived with a 45% increase in production compared to two years ago. BONUS Special Report #8: Five Ways to Spot Profitable Growth Plays
These tried and true methodologies will help you minimize risk while maximizing your stock returns. You'll get an in-depth look at the factors to use in finding the best investments and warning signs to help you avoid mistakes.
Things are changing fast in the stock market. Investors may not know where to turn for profitable investments, but this is no time to bury your head and the sand and wait for the crisis to pass. All the Profits, All the Special Reports: for just $29.95! Normally, investors pay as much $199 for top-quality investment research like my Special Report The Secret Economic Recovery: 3 Tech Stocks Leading the Way. Of course, you'll pay nothing near that if you take action over the next 3 days when you order your copy of the report and start your FREE three-month bonus subscription to Top Stock Insights. For just $29.95. This is the very best offer I can put on the table. A subscription to Top Stock Insights also gives you immediate access to all of our high quality independent investment research. - 13 complete weekly issues of my Top Stock Insights newsletter, featuring profit opportunities from top-notch analysts twice each month
- Full, unfettered access to the Top Stock Insights website, including the stock portfolio and issue archive
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100% Full Money Back Satisfaction Guarantee: if at any point during your first 30 days you find that you're not convinced that Top Stock Insights will deliver a win rate of 9 out of 10 to you then just call my customer service manager to cancel: no hassles, no run-around, no hard feelings -- just a prompt and courteous 100% refund. The $29.95 basically covers my research and the bills. That's it. Everything else - the bonus Special Reports and 13 issues of Top Stock Insights - are gifts for you. You'll get our complete portfolio of stock recommendations as well as email notification of any portfolio updates. It will be the best $29.95 you ever spent. Here's the link so you can get your copy of The Secret Economic Recovery: 3 Tech Stocks Leading the Way and start profiting with Top Stock Insights today! Best Regards, Ian Wyatt Chief Investment Strategist Top Stock Insights PS - The Secret Economic Recovery: 3 Tech Stocks Leading the Way is my blueprint for profits from the U.S. economic recovery. One stock you'll discover jumped 10% on blowout earnings. It guided higher for the year, and shares need to DOUBLE IN PRICE just top reach a fair P/E of 16. This stock is already moving, so don't wait. Get your copy of The Secret Economic Recovery: 3 Tech Stocks Leading the Way today!  Copyright (c) 2011 Wyatt Investment Research 65 Railroad Street PO Box 790 Richmond, VT 05477 Note: your first three months of Top Stock Insights are free with your purchase of the special report. After three months your subscription will automatically renew for a full year (52 weekly issues) of Top Stock Insights for only $99 to ensure that you never miss an issue. You may cancel at any time by calling or emailing our customer service department.* Investing in stocks carries certain risks for loss just as much as it presents opportunities for rewards. While each of the stocks in this new investment report has been thoroughly researched by professional analysts, investors are advised to perform their own research and due diligence before investing. Future returns claims made in this promotion are based on calculations and evaluations made to the best of the ability of Top Stock Insights research analysts, however they CANNOT be guaranteed and should not be considered as such. | |
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