Dear Reader:
This is no ordinary portfolio... every stock has been picked extremely carefully... following the principles laid down the by the greatest investor of all times.
Not surprisingly, the portfolio has done very well. In fact in a little over a year, in spite of current stock market crash, the portfolio is up by 16%.
In fact, just two stocks in the portfolio have given returns of 100% and 41%!
And we are so confident that we are investing our own money in every stock that is recommended under this portfolio... with the expectation that the overall portfolio could multiply 4 to 6 times over the next 5 to 10 years.
Here's the best part... You too can participate in this journey alongside us...
How do you do that? Read on for full details!
Warm regards,
Rahul Goel CEO,
Stop wasting so much time and energy trying to find 'that' perfect stock. Instead discover... The World's Most Profitable Stock-Picking Strategy Dear Friend,
Life doesn't seem fair.
Some people have so much money that they do not have to worry about it. They are free to choose how they spend their entire lifetime, even if their investments crash.
Maybe you are one of them, too.
But if you're not quite there yet, mark our words - we are about to show you a way to 'safely' create tremendous wealth over the next few years so that you will never ever have to worry about money.
In fact, over the next few minutes, we are going to unravel in front of you a simple, yet foolproof investment strategy that has made millionaires out of several small investors.
The strategy we are going to tell you about can easily be called the world's most profitable stock-picking strategy!
After all, it has helped one investor multiply his wealth a whopping 4,340 times over a 45-year period!
In short, this simple investment approach would have turned an investment of Rs 10,000 in 1964 to a whopping Rs 4.3 crore in 45 years.
Or for that matter... - Rs 20,000 into almost Rs 9 crore, or...
- Rs 50,000 into Rs 21 crore, or then...
- Rs 700,000 into Rs 304 crore!
If you are wondering what this money could have bought you, read this... - Rs 9 crore could've bought a fleet of 11 Mercedes S-class for you to have started a luxury car rental business!
- Rs 21 crore could've bought you a plush 3-bedroom apartment in South Mumbai!
- And then... Rs 304 crore could've bought you a private luxury jet today!
I think it's getting interesting here!
So, let us introduce...
The Most Simple Way To Invest . . . Just Like Warren Buffett, The Greatest Investor Of All Time
Let's face it. There are literally thousands of people out there in the world and in India trying to invest just like Warren Buffett. But only a few are actually getting Buffett-like results.
See, it's no wonder why so many people want to emulate Buffett. After all, this legendary investor is, without doubt, the greatest stock market investor of all-time and has consistently generated stupendous returns for a very long period of time... multiplying his investment in stocks such as - - Washington Post - 76 times in 38 years, or...
- Coca-Cola - 19 times in 23 years
Yes, these returns are real! In fact, we will soon show you how Buffett has achieved this. But before that, let us offer you...
. . . Our Invitation To Be Part Of ValuePro, And Build A Stock Portfolio That Could Multiply Your Wealth Several Times Over The Next 5 to 10 Years! ValuePro was launched as a new service from Equitymaster in November 2009.
Reduced to its essence, our mission through this service is to identify 12-15 stocks over a 2 year period by following Warren Buffett's time-tested investing principles.
Through ValuePro, we will help you identify companies, which could see their stock prices multiply 4 to 6 times over the next 5 to 10 years.
In fact, since we launched this service in November 2009, we have already identified 7 such valuable stocks for our subscribers.
And here's something that underscores the success of the stock picking process - in spite of the recent market crash, the entire portfolio of these 7 stocks is overall up by around 16%.
While it's difficult to say what will happen in the near term, we remain confident of multiplying money 4x - 6x over the next 5 - 10 years.
So sign up for this service right away to get access to these stocks! And don't forget, we will also identify 5-8 new opportunities for you. To help you build a portfolio that could multiply several times in the next few years.
As Buffett has done, ValuePro will help you achieve such returns by identifying businesses... - With strong fundamentals: Simple and understandable businesses, having consistent operating history and favourable long-term prospects.
- With strong management teams at the helm: Rational, candid with shareholders, resisting the compulsion to act just to prove a point.
- With stable financial history: Stability in high profit margins and return on equity, sustained growth in earnings, less capital requirements on an incremental basis, low or nil debt on the books.
- Selling at attractive valuations: Keeping a strong margin of safety, available at a significant discount to their intrinsic values.
These are some of the critical parameters that Buffett gives weight to while identifying his stocks...and our process through ValuePro is not going to be any different.
Simply put, we will be identifying companies that are doing simple businesses that can be easily understood, have consistent earnings history and sustainable growth path, are managed by honest and competent people, and whose stocks are available at attractive prices with an adequate margin of safety.
In fact, the 7 stocks we have already recommended to existing ValuePro subscribers fit these criteria to the tee!
After all, Buffett has made his entire fortune - US$ 47 bn at last count - following these very principles of investing.
And he's achieved tremendous success with not one, not two, but several stocks that have multiplied several times over a number of years.
Like his investment in Coca-Cola, where every 100 dollars he invested in 1988 now stands at nearly 1,900 dollars...or simply put, an investment that has multiplied 19 times in around 23 years! See this...
Data Source: Yahoo Finance Among other reasons, the key factor that prompted Buffett to buy Coca-Cola (as he later clarified) was that he believed in the simplicity and sustainability of its business.
See, it's not so easy identifying simple and sustainable businesses like Coca-Cola, but then this is what we will be striving to do for you through ValuePro. After all, we have done this in the past as we'll soon show you.
But before that...
You know, the 19 times return on Coca-Cola is just among the lesser returns that Buffett has made over the years. Washington Post, the newspaper company that he started acquiring in 1973, has till date multiplied his money a whopping 76 times! And this is keeping out the significant dividends that the company has paid out over these years.
Data Source: Yahoo Finance As per the reasoning he later offered, Buffett bought Washington Post simply because the company, apart from doing good business, was selling at a much lower price than its true business value.
ValuePro will emulate Buffett's mantra of buying stocks when they are selling cheap as compared to their true worth.
So How Can Buffett's Teachings Help You Build A Portfolio That could Multiply Your Wealth Several Times Over The Next Five To Ten Years?
See, these examples of Coca-Cola and Washington Post validate the basic tenet of Buffett's strategy - invest in companies you believe could provide long-term investment value, rather than investing in fads or 'hot' themes that may be profitable in the short run, but are likely to run out of steam in the long run.
In a very similar way, the core of ValuePro will be to identify a portfolio of a few 'such' stocks for you that could multiply your money several times over the next ten years.
Let us make it even clearer... "Success in investing doesn't correlate with I.Q. once you're above the level of 25. Once you have ordinary intelligence, what you need is the temperament to control the urges that get other people into trouble in investing." - Warren Buffett
"There seems to be some perverse human characteristic that likes to make easy things difficult." - Warren Buffett | To help you make your investment decision, wouldn't you want to see it through the eyes of Buffett?
Now, you obviously can't call him up to get his advice. But you can be a part of the ValuePro.
No second-guessing, no listening to vague advice, and no more worrying about whether you're making the right decision.
In short, ValuePro will be the 'next best thing' to asking Buffett himself if you are making a good investment decision.
To help you make your investment decision, wouldn't you want to see it through the eyes of Buffett?
Yes, it will be really that simple!
Also, with ValuePro on your side, YOU WILL NEVER HAVE TO... - Wonder 'which' is the right stock to buy for the long term and 'when' the right time to buy it is - We will do it for you.
- Dissect financial statements of endless number of companies - We will do it for you.
- Read endless annual reports - We will do it for you.
- Listen to the contradicting stock gurus on TV -With Buffett on your side, you can switch off these other 'gurus'.
- Sweat over the slightest price moves your stock undergoes - Now that will come with your practice of this process.
ValuePro will take all the guesswork out of investing.
But how could this be? How could something so simple produce such phenomenal results?
See, we fully agree to what you must be thinking right now.
Believing and following any principle, even if it is proven and simple, calls for absolute faith in it. And we do not expect you to believe us without getting fully convinced about our claims.
In fact, you must be itching to ask us many questions.
Your Question # 1. "How will you identify those above-average stocks?" Answer: Simply put, if the company is doing well and is managed by smart, honest and visionary people, eventually its stock price will reflect its inherent value. As you will come to know over the next few months, we will devote most of our attention not in tracking share prices, but in analyzing the economics of businesses, while also assessing their managements.
See, our answer is not plucked out of thin air. In fact, in the past, we have identified profitable stock ideas for our subscribers ...and that is what brings us the greatest happiness.
By recommending the 'right' kind of stocks, following the 'right' kind of investment principles, we have seen our subscribers multiply their money several times over the past few years.
Take for example Titan, which we had recommended in July 2003. We asked ourselves - what could be a simpler business than selling watches and jewellery? And we had a difficult time answering this question. Apart from its simple business, we also believed that Titan had all the qualities to become a wonderful business over the long run. The stock was also trading cheap then, with its price being just around 0.4 times its sales per share.
Our conviction paid off...and till date, Titan has multiplied 48 times since our recommendation.
Data Source: Trend Now consider Voltas, a stock that we first recommended in June 2003. The stock was then trading at just around 0.3 times the company's annual sales per share despite the company having all the ingredients of becoming a robust growth story in the future.
After restructuring its business, Voltas has not looked back and those who acted on our recommendation then have multiplied their money almost 28 times till the time we recommended a 'Sell' on the stock in August 2010.
Data Source: Trend Then look at the automaker M&M, which we had first recommended in April 2003. Now this was a company under trouble when we had recommended it. But our belief in it was based on the turnaround of the company's tractor business that had seen sales decline for the five years preceding our recommendation. We also expected tremendous value creation from the company, especially from its IT subsidiary - Mahindra-British Telecom (MBT, which later became Tech Mahindra).
Investors who acted on this recommendation then multiplied their money 19 times till the time we recommended a 'Sell' on the stock in November 2009.
Data Source: Trend See, these companies - Voltas, Titan, and M&M - were all simple businesses when we had identified them seven years back. And these stocks were then trading at very attractive valuations compared to what we had thought were their true business values. Over the years, these stocks have generated huge returns for investors who bought them then, and have had the patience to hold on to them over the years.
There are similar other examples that we can talk Tata Power, which has multiplied around 11 times since our recommendation of January 2003... .
Data Source: Trend ...or for that matter, Thermax, which has risen 18 times since our May 2003 report...
Data Source: Trend Your Question # 2. "How many stocks in total will you identify for me?" Answer: We will apply Buffett's investing principles to focus our attention on just a few companies. And how many will be a few?
Even the world's best investors have discovered that, on an average, just fifteen stocks give your portfolio enough diversification. For you, a legitimate case can be made for ten to twenty.
But then, the important thing to note here is that given that we will be searching for the right kind of opportunity available at the right price, there might be times when we would have nothing to recommend.
Similarly, there will be times when given the market's mood, as we saw for the whole of 2008, we will find several opportunities to recommend to you. We will then recommend stocks in a bunch.
Through ValuePro, our aim is to help you build a portfolio of 12-15 stocks that could multiply substantially in the coming years.
During the tenure of this service, you will get 5-8 new stock ideas. This is in addition to the 7 valuable stocks we have already recommended since we launched ValuePro in November 2009...and which are still valid recommendations that you can buy into!
Your Question # 3. "How much allocation do I make towards each of your recommendations?" Answer: It will be advisable that each investment you make you should have the courage and the conviction to have at least 6% to 10% of your portfolio in that stock.
Only such a concentration will enable these stocks to have a really meaningful impact on your portfolio.
Your Question # 4. "How long must I hold those stocks?" Answer: There will be no hard and fast rule. While selling a stock from the portfolio for taking advantage of a better opportunity is advisable, as a general rule of thumb, the idea will be to hold the stocks for somewhere between five to ten years.
Now For Your Biggest Question. . . "Why Should I Do This?" Okay, let us put it the other way - what could be the opportunity loss for you for not practicing ValuePro strategy and otherwise following the herd?
See this chart...
Data Source: Berkshire Hathaway's 2009 annual report The above chart depicts the increase in book value per share of Buffett's company Berkshire Hathaway vis-à-vis the performance of S&P 500 during the period 1964 to 2009.
While the S&P 500 multiplied by around 54 times during this period, Berkshire's book value multiplied 4,340 times!
Simply put, it's a difference between turning every Rs 100 to: - Rs 5,430 (S&P 500), or...
- Rs 434,057 (Berkshire).
See, by talking about these kinds of comparisons, we do not wish to lead you to believe that these returns can be achieved by you by following Buffett's investing style.
In fact, in this modern age, it simply isn't possible to beat the market as Buffett has done so successfully over his life.
So we do not want to promise you the moon (...this one's really invincible!)
However, what we will promise you is that by being part of ValuePro, you could generate tremendous wealth for yourself over the next few years... becoming an integral part of the process that aims to emulate Buffett's investing principles and take advantage of the wealth-generating opportunities that are available here in India.
Now, You Might Ask. . . "How Capable Is Equitymaster To Do What Buffett Has Done?" You know, many investors in the US have become wealthier by...
One, buying what Buffett buys, and/or Two, investing in the stock of Buffett's holding company Berkshire Hathaway.
Not only retail investors, there are several fund managers in the US who do exactly this.
But then copying Buffett's investments in India isn't possible for the fact that Berkshire, Buffett's company has never bought any Indian stock.
Second, you cannot easily buy a Berkshire stock sitting here in India to benefit directly from Buffett's investing philosophy.
So how do we plan to help you earn Buffett-like returns sitting here in India recommending Indian stocks? And do we have the pedigree to do that?
We appreciate your questions.
To say the least, our philosophy all these years has been to recommend stocks that pass the strict evaluation tests as practiced by the best investors in the world - from Benjamin Graham, Peter Lynch, and John Templeton, to of course Warren Buffett.
And we have done this with immense success for our subscribers...and that is what brings us the greatest happiness.
By recommending the 'right' kind of stocks, following the 'right' kind of investment principles, we have seen our subscribers multiply their money -
48 times in Titan Industries over a period of 7.6 years; 28 times in Voltas in almost 7 years; 19 times in M&M over a period of 6.5 years; 18 times in Thermax over a period of 7.7 years; 11 times in Tata Power in 8 years.
See, we will be fooling ourselves if we tell you that we have been 100% right in all our recommendations all these years...we have had our share of mistakes...
...but most of the times our subscribers have benefited enormously from our recommendations...all those who have believed in our long term philosophy of viewing companies and recommending stocks of only the worthy ones.
In fact, 82.5% of all our buy and hold recommendations between 2002 and 2009 have met their targets within the recommended time periods.
And all these years of precious experience is now what we bring to you by focusing on the learnings of Warren Buffett, one of the great investing gurus we have talked about and have followed intensely.
We are so confident of these principles that we'd also invest some of our own money in the stocks we recommend to you through ValuePro.
Yes, you read that right. We will be investing Rs 100,000 in every stock that we recommend to you through ValuePro. And just so that you have an advantage, we will be buying the stock 10 trading sessions after we recommend it.
In short, we'll be on the same side as you.
ValuePro is your (and also our) chance to practice sound investing principles and generate tremendous returns over the next few years...just like Buffett has done.
Here's what subscribers of our ValuePro service have to say:
"First of all I would like to appreciate the stock selection mechanism of Equitymaster. I am a subscriber of Equitymaster since 2009. Also enjoying handsome returns since then. I made this decision of joining Equitymaster in one of the tough phases in my life and fully got paid for the right decision. I am happy investor and proud to be associated with Equitymaster. I encourage the large community of retail investors to join such an advisory services to be active participants in Indian Stock Markets and NOT to run after quick money."
-- Pankaj Deshkar, a subscriber since 2009 |
"Like any other retail investor I too was having all diseases like trading based on SMS-Broker-Internet-Friends Tips, 100+ stocks portfolio, momentum stock picking, seating in front of CNBC for whole day and above all listening to so called all animals seriously, whom we known as self declared stock Analyst. And Yes I was making losses too.
Now, I am very thankful to EquityMaster for such an Innovative product, ValuePro, which transformed my investment life. Only now I understand true meaning of one of commandment of Investing, that is: Price is what you pay, Value is what you get."
-- Rahul Kumar Paliwal, a subscriber since 2009 | ValuePro Is Everything You Need To Immediately Start Investing Like Buffett! You won't believe how simple the process we follow in the ValuePro will be until you try it.
Not only will this service help you step-by-step in building a portfolio of 12-15 stocks that pass the strictest of Buffett's investing principles, you will also discover through our monthly newsletters...
√ How to identify the right kind of businesses to invest in. Apart from telling you specifically which stocks to buy, we will also reveal to you the key success mantras of a business even if we do not recommend that stock because of reasons like valuations.
√ How to know the right price you should pay for a business We will ensure that you never again pay too much for a stock. This benefit alone is worth thousands and thousands of rupees. If you take nothing else away from ValuePro, please make sure you learn how to follow this crucial valuation method.
√ How to keep you protected from the most severe of bear markets and economic slowdowns. You will discover Buffett's secrets of making your portfolio recession-proof.
√ When to sell your investment. The decision to sell a stock shouldn't be based on vague opinions, but real hard facts. ValuePro will tell you precisely when a stock should be sold.
As we have mentioned above, you will find all these investing gems through our monthly letters, which will also talk about -
√ Exciting investment ideas we will be pursuing.
√ Excerpts of our interaction with companies' managements, suppliers, competitors, and customers.
"It's bad to go to bed at night thinking about the price of a stock. We think about the value and company results; the stock market is there to serve you, not instruct you." - Warren Buffett | And of course, with ValuePro on your side, you will get plenty of peaceful sleep because you will not be worrying about emotions like greed and fear getting in your way anymore.
After all, you will be following hard, time-tested rules of successful, profitable investing.
See, ValuePro isn't another 976-page Buffett biography (as 'Snowball' was) or an academic examination of his investments. This is a systematic process to actually invest like Warren Buffett.
Let Us Welcome You To Participate In This Journey. . . Of Learning, Disciplined Investing And Ultimate Wealth Creation When you subscribe to ValuePro, you will not be simply buying a will participate in a journey of learning the art of value investing, disciplining yourself to be different from the herd...and creating tremendous wealth for yourself and your family.
And we must tell you one very important fact... at the end of the subscription period, you will own a lifelong the form of the reports we send you, the discussions we have, and the portfolio of stocks we recommend to you.
We promise you that we will be candid in our reporting to you through our monthly reports. As Buffett would have probably promised, our guideline is to tell you the facts that we would want to know if our positions were reversed.
ValuePro - The Single Best Investment Strategy For All Market Conditions We're totally convinced that this is the single best investment strategy for all market conditions. And our results are there for you to see.
Finally, be aware that you have our special guarantee of satisfaction. ValuePro, unlike other investment recommendation services, will provide you with specific and actionable recommendation on stocks.
You will know exactly what to buy, and at what price. All of the details you will need will be provided to you. And you will also receive our monthly updates.
Come, Become A ValuePro Subscriber At An Attractive Price The price is immaterial at this point. Because you can try ValuePro FREE to see if you like it...for the next 30 days. If you vote thumbs down anytime during this period, we'll return every rupee you paid (minus a 10% refund fee), and you can keep everything you've received up until that point.
If you think this service is not for you, just notify us within 30 days from the start of your subscription and we will simply refund your questions asked!
So what do you say? If you are ready to try the simplest and easiest way to generate tremendous wealth you'll ever find... take us up on this no-risk offer today.
We're going to make it even easier for you... By signing through this offer, you're going to get a wonderful discount on your subscription!
To participate in this two year journey of building the ValuePro portfolio one needs to pay a fee Rs 20,000. But you can get in at a very special price of Rs 9,950 for a year.
That's right! For only a fraction of the usual price, you can get access to all the recommendations made so far, plus all the future recommendations during your subscription period!
Isn't this a steal?!
But wait, there's more...
When you sign on to ValuePro, you will also receive for FREE...
1. Common Stocks and Uncommon Profits
One of the classic investment texts written for the lay person, this book has been a piece of marvel from Philip A. Fisher.
Buffett has been one of the best-known followers of Fisher. In fact, he's noted as saying on some occasions that he is '85% Graham and 15% Fisher'. Buffett has credited Fisher with inspiring him to look at good businesses.
Even Charlie Munger, Buffett's partner, has praised Fisher. He once said, "Phil Fisher believed in concentrating in about 10 good investments and was happy with a limited number. That is very much in our playbook. And he believed in knowing a lot about the things he did invest in. And that's in our playbook, too. And the reason why it's in our playbook is that to some extent, we learned it from him."
In this book, Fisher explains the qualitative side to value investing, just as Graham explains the quantitative side.
This gem of a book usually costs Rs 750/-.
But if you subscribe to ValuePro through this offer, you can grab it absolutely FREE!
Note: The book - "Common Stocks & Uncommon Profits" will be dispatched by 15th March, 2011... and it will be delivered to addresses in India only. So if you reside outside India, you can have the book delivered to a friend or relative's address in India, and then relayed to you from there.
And then, here's more! You will also receive...
2. Equitymaster Stock Market Yearbook 2011(PDF Version)
An extremely popular publication, the Equitymaster Stockmarket Yearbook, is a guide consisting of financial analysis and business profiles of the leading 200 companies in India.
For each of the 200 selected companies, the Yearbook provides a full page of financial and other important data, conveniently tabulated under relevant headings with a host of important ratios.
Recent performance reviews of companies, the sectors they operate in, the business challenges they face, how they compare globally, etc. are all revealed at a glance.
And apart from current data, the Yearbook also provides information on the history of each company and its progress and transformation over time.
Additionally, you also have detailed notes on over 20 sectors, the Indian economy, mutual funds and a lot more.
Simply put, this Yearbook offers accurate, unbiased and detailed data on leading companies, sectors and economy all in one place... and currently there's no other resource that offers all this information together.
The Yearbook costs Rs 750/- to buy separately. But if you subscribe to ValuePro now, you can get the PDF version of the Yearbook absolutely FREE.
But then wait, here's more. Through a subscription to ValuePro through this offer, you can also avail of...
3. Equitymaster Portfolio Tracker
During your subscription period, while ValuePro will help you identify Buffett-style stocks, you can also use our Portfolio Tracker for free to manage the portfolio so created.
Portfolio Tracker is an online utility to help you track your stock (and even mutual fund) investments!
It's online, and will be available to you 24 hours a day.
It's always updated with the latest stock prices...and you can also create a number of customised reports to understand your portfolio better.
The Portfolio Tracker usually costs Rs 330/- for a year. But by subscribing to ValuePro, you will get it FREE.
In summary, when you subscribe to 'ValuePro', you will receive. . .
- A monthly ValuePro report on the first Monday of every month
- Instant access to our all our existing ValuePro recommendations
- Free copy of Common Stocks and Uncommon profits (Philip A. Fisher)
- Free copy of Equitymaster Stock Market Yearbook 2011 ( PDF Version)
- 5. Free access to our Intelligent Portfolio Tracker
| So, what are you waiting for?
Sign Up for ValuePro Today! ValuePro will be an offering that will keep on evolving Even after a quarter of a century, our research process at Equitymaster is evolving as we look at new opportunities on a daily basis. We will endeavour to ensure that the portfolio we recommend you through ValuePro remains appropriate for your changing needs and financial aspirations.
We don't mind telling you that our recommendations and research is second to none. So we're offering you a clear no questions asked money back (minus a 10% refund fee) guarantee for 30 days from the start of your subscription in case you are not satisfied with what you receive.
We hope we have opened your eyes to this brilliant investment strategy that exists for you. We are looking forward to our future correspondence and to establishing a long-lasting and very profitable relationship.
Hurry! This Offer Ends On 21st February 2011.
Sign Up for ValuePro Today! To your wealth always,
Warm Regards
Rahul Goel Chief Executive Officer
P.S.: We offer the easiest money-back guarantee in the business. Till 30 days from the start of your subscription, take your time and decide if ValuePro is right for you. If not, just ask us any day during this 30 day period and we will send you the refund (minus a 10% refund fee). And while you do so, you can still keep the book, the Yearbook copy and the reports as thank-you gifts just for trying out ValuePro.
P.P.S.: If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us at +91-22-61434055 or Write in to us. We will be delighted to assist you!
Subscribe Now! Click Here! | | *Returns have been calculated as on 14th February 2011 or on the date of Sell recommendation, whichever is applicable.
**Performance track record of Equitymaster recommendations is calculated for StockSelect, our large cap stock recommendation service, our longest existing service till date.
***Delivery of the 'Common Stocks and Uncommon Profits' will be made to an Indian address only. Please read the Terms of Use. To Unsubscribe, Click Here. Equitymaster Agora Research Private Limited 103, Regent Chambers, Above Status Restaurant, Nariman Point, Mumbai - 400 021. India. Telephone: 91-22-6143 4055
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